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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  I'm a classy girl with intrepid taste; Joining
    Just wait til she finds out he is actually a stallion....
    My eyes rolled over the ripples in the water lazily as I lounged in the pool. I was counting the ripples as they skirted across the surface, intrigued by how the shapes grew more deformed the further out they reached. The ones closest to me were blurred slightly by the steam rolling off of my skin from the sudden contact with the cool water. The whole moment felt more ethereal than the whole journey here. It was peaceful enough that I had gotten lost in the moment and forgotten to scan my surroundings for company.

    When I finally opened my eyes from my lulling off, I just barely noticed a sea of white fur. I did not quite register that it was living until the movement of the breathing caught my eye and I steeled myself. I had never encountered a beast like this before, his fur gleamed like fresh snow, and from my angle, I could see one large paw sporting even larger claws. My breath grew sharp and measured, uncertainty painting my movements as I tried to slowly wade away from the creature to better appraise it. From the corner of my eye, I watched nervously as he coasted further into the water and approached me.

    I turned to completely face this creature now and my alarm eased slightly as I noticed a hollowed ridge where I assumed an eye had been. At least if I had to escape I had a slight advantage over this animal who struck me as similar in stature to a bear. He was larger though and the ivory coat really threw me off.

    When he spoke, I jumped softly, but his tone eased my anxiety slightly. I had traveled and seen many forms of magic but none such as speaking wildlife. I grew much more intrigued by the specimen before me as he seemed to have a sense of humor and it was one that put me at ease when facing this foreign situation.

    "I do appreciate that, it has been a long journey and the salt water does wonders for my joints after traveling."

    I managed to keep my voice even and perhaps even a little lighthearted as I responded. I still not dared to move closer to this creature despite his teasing tone, I did not want to offend him or betray my lack of knowledge of the local customs quite yet.

    "I must say, where I come from I have not met many talking beasts, especially those with such a good taste in lounging quarters."

    I smiled at the end of my sentence, willing my mind to trick my body into relaxing more. To be honest, if this creature had wanted to hunt me, I assume he would have slaughtered me already so the fact that my curiosity was not overriding my adrenaline quite yet was more irritating than anything else. I wanted to learn what made this area so special that bears could be cloaked in chalky coats and speak their mind freely.

    [Image: NzkJZsA.png][Image: YPvGj8n.png][Image: G6vtWZf.gif]

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    RE: I'm a classy girl with intrepid taste; Joining - by Brassa - 06-15-2021, 08:21 PM

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