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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Pink Elephant in the room - Obscene

    a bright and dangerous spark

    If you fell asleep and woke up in a different time, how long do you think it would take you to realize that nothing was right anymore?

    How far ahead or how far behind would you have to be for it to unravel suddenly, rather than slowly? And would you believe the impossible could be real anyways?

    The truth dawned on Cheri as carefully as a stork wading through quiet waters in search of its next meal. The ripples of time were faint, nigh imperceptible at first, but they were there. The truth struck her like a rapier beak slicing through the surface.

    At first she thought he was toying with her as the fae prince liked to do, though his scathing tone was noticeably softer. It was all part of the game, she thought. All part of his grand scheme to throw her off the scent of something much more despicable lying in wait where she couldn’t see. Was Aela there somewhere, hiding nearby and stifling her laughter? As Cheri kissed his dark skin she imagined the golden horse he’d brought along curving her nose into her shoulder, doing her best to stay silent while Obscene laid the trap.

    She imagined all of the invisible paramours he’d thrown in her face, the longing to be one of them translated into the last touch of her lips against his nose until the pressure bore into his skin a bit too hard. Perhaps that was why he said what he said: the part about her pressing a pink quartz hoof into the fold of his throat. But it wasn’t until he mentioned her crystals that Cheri stopped altogether and drew her head away from his, if not her body.

    “My crystals?” She thought. What about her crystals?

    Her crystals … the thought circled a drain inside of her mind, swirling to an inevitable conclusion she couldn’t grasp in the moment. Something about the way he’d described them: whatever else you come up with in those wicked crystals - it gave her pause. She held perfectly still underneath him, just the way she had when they’d tangled together in the Pampas, a small part of her consciousness enjoying the blazing touch of his mouth and teeth scratching away at her dark shoulder while the world around them tilted. Cheri felt like she was experiencing vertigo for the first time, but there was nothing she could do to center herself while the colorful world blurred in a sickeningly terrifying way; that phrase: wife and husband, wife and husband, wife and husband...

    “My crystals.” She realized, the spearpoint beak striking her through-and-through with an electric shock.

    She came out of the Vertigo state by blinking rapidly, feeling as if she might hurl. Obscene stepped away from her and the result was that she stumbled forward, catching her balance again by striking out with one leg to steady the other three. Her spring-colored mane rustled like a silken green curtain, winking with sparkling color in the broad daylight as it did, and Cheri lifted herself up to face Obscene - a different Obscene from the one she knew - square in the face. “No, I … I believe you.” Cheri insisted, talking through the layer of cotton drying up her tongue. Her eyes, which had been so catty and severe before, now seemed to border on terror. “I do, Obscene. I really do.” Her voice faltered.

    She wished suddenly that he would come back, press himself against her again like he’d been doing. Cheri was absolutely certain now that something had gone wildly wrong during her night of deep sleep and it scared her to think that everything she was experiencing right now was because of some fluke with the crystals growing out of her skin. Was she stuck here now? And if she were, just how much had changed? Her mind cut the thought off right there, unable to process such a cataclysmic event. It defied rational logic.

    “I had a terrible night Ob.” Her eyes flicked quickly from left to right, as if seeing everything again through a new and horrifying filter. “I don’t think I’m feeling very well at all.”
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    Pink Elephant in the room - Obscene - by Cheri - 06-11-2021, 07:11 PM
    RE: Pink Elephant in the room - Obscene - by Cheri - 06-17-2021, 09:36 PM

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