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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  You pray to stars that can help you get by [Any]
    Honestly, the things people expect from him sometimes... he never was good at healing, so he has to do it creatively and without killing her or ruining her legs, but hey, having the ‘title’ of magician now - well known as king of the north - he finds that they are not the first to assume he’ll help instantly. Not that he won’t, but with some things - like legs - he should be more careful.

    Leilan tilts his head at the hungry hippogryph, and smiles wryly. It’s not entirely true for Poppy, but he can accept the answer if it means she keeps her talons in check. ”I always found the River good hunting grounds from above,” he murmurs in her direction, casually because he’s not too interested in if she takes the advice or not. His icy scales glitter when his shoulder moves at her sarcastic remarks, instead focusing on the third to join the party.

    Obscene offers... just about nothing. It’d cost him an arm and a leg, no doubt, and he’s about to say so when Ciri demands attention. Frost and ice instantly shield him - and only himself because he’s not too bothered about the Fae creature or the hippogryph, who had seemed delighted with the little frostbite - and when the starburst is gone, he nods to Ciri. ”Of course.” Teleporting her away is easy, so he does it immediately. She and Toskr, whom he sent with her, will land in the snow in the same position that she way lying in right now. The ever-lasting snow and ice of the northern half on Icicle Isle envelope her softly, where the cold may numb some of her pain for the minute it will take him to talk to the Pampas’ healer now. A mental tug on his bond with Nashua follows, though no-one here would know - to go looking.

    Leilan turns to the faerie man, slightly bored with the idea of needing a price. ”I”d love to hear you talk the legs of a donkey, but I’m afraid if you want something out of this, you’d better be quick about it. Either I teleport you and you heal her now and maybe I’ll feel like I owe you one, or don’t bother.” he’s not very patient right now, because really, the current king of the north did in fact know how to heal as well, and if not, Leilan could still try himself. It’s a matter of timing only - of how long the star-mare needs to suffer. And since she’s an asset for the northern kingdom, it better be short.

    He starts a countdown in his head - ten, nine, eight - and if he doesn’t get an agreement soon, Leilan supposes he’ll just get going.
    I said no more counting dollars
    we’ll be counting stars

    @Obscene heh :)
    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: You pray to stars that can help you get by [Any] - by Leilan - 07-01-2021, 05:02 AM

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