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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [private]  my bad habits lead to late nights


    This is something new, she realizes.

    His red eyes - always burning like a flame - darken to a shade that she has never seen and the dark coat that usually glistens beneath the sun rays turns to something cool and sleek against her touch. Her heated touch becomes a curious one, tracing the pattern of the golden scales on his muscled neck, both delighted and thrilled with the change.

    Obscene's anger is distracting though, and so she tries to temper it for him. For each slow touch she places along his neck, down to his broad chest, and then reaching back up to his back up to the curve of jaw, Aela takes her excruciating time. Like with most things she does, each kiss she places is part of a bigger plan. The subtle dose of contentment she offers him seems to work because the scales gradually vanish and his onyx coat returns. It makes her smile softly as she continues to lightly press her pale lips against his skin, pleased with her ability (as usual) and this new discovery about Obscene.

    "I'm better now," she murmurs but then adds quietly, "But I'm fine." Gale had unnerved her. And something about their interaction seemed to unnerve him as well. She intended to get to the bottom of it, but it would have to wait. Aela had already been gone too long from the Pampas and until she had a way to ensure that things wouldn't go that far the next time they met, the slender mare had decided to avoid Hyaline for the time being. Her skin starts to glow and heat, indicating the flames that were always blazing beneath her skin. "Nothing I couldn't handle," Aela tries to reassure the Pampas Prince with her usual humor.

    He grazes the curve of her cheek and stokes a completely different kind of fire in the young mare.

    However, the dark stallion doesn't seem entirely convinced that Aela hadn't tired of him. If they weren't intertwined so closely, she would have given him a brazen look. Did she seem like the type to placate anyone? If she were truly done with Obscene - had no use for him or his Pampas - then she would be here now and the gold-striped creature certainly wouldn't allow him to take the liberties with her that he does now. "It had nothing to do with you, love." Aela tells him, curving her neck upwards so that her almost breathless reply reaches the nearest ear. She laughs and explains, "Or well, it did." She takes the chance to share a few more memories: the broodmares she has seen in the Common Lands in a rather obvious explanation. "I don't think either of us would be happy if I started to looked like Steve."

    And as for the rest, Aela explains to Obscene that this was yet another brother. "Gale, one of the leaders of Hyaline." She continues because this was an entity that he should be watching for. The blue brindled stallion wielded a vast amount of power, she had learned, and Aela didn't intend for him to take the Pampas by surprise. She sighs gently and decides, "For now, nothing." She had been contemplating offering anyone that didn't go along with their plans to Gale. Surely her ideas sounded better than being torn apart.

    But what if that only made him more powerful?
    Or worse, what if the captives gained abilities of their own?

    They should do nothing until they learned more. Not until she had the chance to learn what he had done to her.

    "The scales are new," she tells Obscene from over her slender shoulder and presses her side against his. "Anything else?" the Seneschal asks the Prince with an impish smile.


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    RE: my bad habits lead to late nights - by Aela - 07-04-2021, 09:01 PM
    RE: my bad habits lead to late nights - by Aela - 07-05-2021, 04:21 PM
    RE: my bad habits lead to late nights - by Aela - 07-14-2021, 04:28 PM

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