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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I am dark matter, your road to ruin; Djuna
    the would-be queen
    His question gives her pause.

    "Well... I guess... I don't really know." Djuna admits somewhat sheepishly, embarrassment flaring hot under her skin. Helping others had never really been imperative to her, unfortunately, and as such she'd never learned how to react in a situation where someone else might be relying upon her for their well-being. The once-was princess never had reason to believe she might end up in a situation like that. Luck is the only excuse she has for avoiding it this time around. Pale lips press together briefly in consternation as she considers her next words. "I guess I would have tried to find someone who could heal you. I couldn't do it myself but I'm sure there must be others who would."

    That was the reasonable thing to do, right? Compassion, empathy, tenderness, all these things had never been particular strong points in Djuna's personality, but she knew what neediness looked like when she saw it. That wasn't to say that this guy looked needy ― but... well, what else was she supposed to think when he had bone and blood pressing from his skin? These kinds of... oddities, they didn't occur back home. Horns and wings and split hooves, the occasional odd color, those were normal. This was most certainly not.

    So she bit her tongue, not wanting to offend. He must be fine, she figures, if he can speak so calmly while actual bones protruded from his flesh. Would it be untoward of her to ask him about it? She inches towards the edge of the pool, stopping when she feels water lapping at her pasterns.

    The green-eyed woman opens her mouth and before she can really think, asks, "So this is... normal for you?"

    So much for not being rude.


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    RE: I am dark matter, your road to ruin; Djuna - by Djuna - 07-05-2021, 09:14 PM

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