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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the girl, she's hiding horns; any

    all of time and space, everywhere and anywhere, every star that ever was

    The intensity of those pale eyes on her make her both want to bloom and shrivel beneath their scrutiny. She was no stranger to being read incorrectly due to the strangeness of her own swirling iris’s, sometimes her own feelings didn’t always correlate correctly when reflected from the silvery movement of her gaze. That had changed as she had settled more into her corporeal skin and the memories of her life in the sky became buried beneath the rubble of mortality. The way Lo holds her gaze so boldly makes her feel unusually shy and she finds herself constantly glancing away as the flush of uncertainty begins to grow and question that visible chasm between them.

    Stars care nothing for labels and titles and her heart had never placed restrictions on itself when it came to the mystery of love. While Castile and Amet had both caught her attention and the latter had been her first to hold her hand in the exploration of lovers and sex, they had not been the only one to catch her eye. There had been the mare Thistle who she had met when she had been caught in the portals of time, in the land she had been transported to after being snatched from Beqanna after giving birth to her only son and remained for a time before being carried off to Eternal.

    Thistle had shown her a different side of love and cleared up the confusion that she had carried for awhile, one that had left her thinking she was wrong and bad for being able to love two at the same time. That didn’t discriminate between sexes or limit itself to one. And while it would be nice to be someone’s one and only, she was hesitant of ever getting herself in the same heartbreaking situation she had once found herself in with her two dragons. The loss of them still had ran a jagged wound across her heart, the loss of her son had widened it, and the loss of Thistle had lodged itself firmly in those half-healed remains. She had watched the mare’s death and had been able to do nothing to stop it.

    She had kept her distance since from anyone that might remotely trigger such feelings in her, reminding herself that she couldn’t burden that pain and loss once more.

    And yet held under Lo’s direct gaze she begins to question her own willpower of resistance, beaten even further down by the vulnerable words that the feathered mare hesitantly offers. A flood of warmth fills the heavily scarred mare as she holds those pale eyes with her own swirling ones and she takes a step as if to close that distance between them but then stops, thinking better of it. She glances away as Lo does, fumbling for the right words to say. “I like the way you talk.” She finally murmurs, her gaze trained on the well-worn path in front of them that she slowly follows. “I like that you're not like anyone else I’ve ever met.”

    Ciri mistakes Lo’s shyness for being her unapologetic strange self and she begins to doubt her own sensibility, perhaps she was reading too much into this and seeking out situations that didn’t really exist in the first place. Maybe being alone for as long as she had was just catching up to her and tricking her into seeing things that weren’t really there. Lo’s response on her own family only makes Ciri’s heart ache for her new friend even more and she tries to lighten the mood she had created with such a question. “Well… you have me now. And I firmly believe the family you make can be just as strong, if not stronger, then the ones we share by blood.”

    Lo seems to come closer when she asks of her past before the Isle and Ciri swallows hard, unsure of where exactly to begin. Of where she even wants to begin that won’t make the creamy mare look at her as if she was crazy. Before she can open her mouth, Lo’s abrupt statement slices through the air and she watches as the other darts ahead of her, realization barely clicking into place the nip delivered to her neck that burns with a sudden rush of heat that she can feel throughout her entire body. “Hey… Wait!” She calls out and lengthens her stride to try and catch up with the other, praying that Lo won’t take flight and leave her behind.

    “Wait!” She calls again, catching up in stride until she is neck in neck with her and finally throws herself into the oncoming path of the other, hoping to slow Lo’s movements with her own and not thinking of the collision that might follow or the massive tangle they could become. “I’ll answer… all your.. questions. It’s ok. Honestly.” She breathes harshly, surprised by how quick the white mare had been and feeling flushed from both the run and the realization that she would care if Lo had just disappeared on her. Her muzzle extends to brush gently against the others heated neck. "Please. Stay."

    -- Ciri

    Image by Phil Botha


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    the girl, she's hiding horns; any - by Leokadia - 06-06-2021, 07:44 PM
    RE: the girl, she's hiding horns; any - by Ciri - 06-09-2021, 03:57 PM
    RE: the girl, she's hiding horns; any - by Ciri - 06-26-2021, 04:17 PM
    RE: the girl, she's hiding horns; any - by Ciri - 07-28-2021, 07:21 PM
    RE: the girl, she's hiding horns; any - by Ciri - 07-31-2021, 09:11 PM
    RE: the girl, she's hiding horns; any - by Ciri - 08-08-2021, 11:49 PM
    RE: the girl, she's hiding horns; any - by Ciri - 08-09-2021, 02:15 AM
    RE: the girl, she's hiding horns; any - by Ciri - 08-10-2021, 12:50 AM

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