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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [open]  You know I'm the one who put you up there
    Logically, Cheri should be home in Loess right now preparing for her ceremony. She and Oceane had talked it over months ago while Ledger gave commentary or jokes when needed. The atmosphere surrounding the entire ordeal felt anxious, but every time the mood swung into treacherous waters her guides counseled Cheri back to calmer shores. Tarian had also been a useful outlet in the weeks preceding her coronation ordeal, training Cheri and keeping her mind focused on the art of making war instead of peace. She surprised herself by learning to love the burn in her lungs, preferring the ache in her muscles a day afterwards when the sparring had been good.

    Time rolled forward, inevitable. She went north and proceeded home once again, the end of her long journey marked by an unexpected appearance in the Brilliant Pampas just days before her ascension.

    What she longed to find here, Cheri wasn’t at liberty to say. Her heart wanted a particular outcome, secretly yearning for the appearance of a certain black-furred fae Prince, but her wits kept themselves ready for any horse outside of those expectations. This was the Seelie court; chaos ruled here and Cheri knew to keep her hooves steady on the path ahead. Instead of concerning herself with disappointment, she crafted a mostly-believable reason for lingering among the off-season flowers. Not that she needed one - for now this land was her own, by extension of Loess.

    She intended to enjoy her royalty-earned freedom as long as that fact was true.

    The day wore itself out sooner than she expected, and the hours spent wandering through the winter-bare hills yielded nothing of interest to Cheri. Her practical side took stock of the new faces she passed at a distance, and at the end of her hike Aela’s threat came to mind. Cheri had to admit: the golden mare had a healthy measure of frightening determination.

    “But does she have it all?” She couldn’t help but wonder, finding herself far away from the crowds. This far south she could smell the ocean breeze lingering on the stale, winter breezes. Her wings unfurled a little as she topped a hill, balancing the set of slender legs that usually trailed behind her while she flew, and the vantage point from up top revealed Obscene’s private spot. Cheri paused, familiar enough with the black stallion now that she could see when he was clearly on edge, but she’d come too far to turn back without at least saying hello. Besides, he probably already knew the sound of hooves approaching from behind.

    Her gliding strides made short work of the distance between them.

    “Want to drink some nectar and warm our bones?” The Loessian Princess tempted him. “I have a feeling tonight’s going to be cold.”


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    RE: You know I'm the one who put you up there - by Cheri - 09-06-2021, 11:45 PM

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