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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  To Be Alone Or Not?
    [Image: B67136-EA-1021-40-A6-B0-FB-7257403-F0-FAE.png]
      Nerica heard the approaching hoofbeats and pinned her ears back to show her anger. Glad of the distance the stallion was keeping she relaxed, thinking he would eventually stop and turn away. But when he spoke she gave a soft groan of frustration. Why couldn't he leave her be! The stallions words turned over in her mind. The smile that she clearly heard in his voice only served to annoy her further. Sister to kings? Did he think she cared about titles? She didn't. She had never belonged to a kingdom and never bothered to educate herself about them. Words like king or queen meant less than nothing to her. She rolled her eyes and continued her pace, speeding into a fast extended trot, her shadowy wings streaming behind her. 

      At the mention of being related, Nerica snorted. Without another thought she slid to a stop and spun around to face the oncoming blue stallion. "I'm afraid I couldn't care less!" she snorted, her tone harsh and confident. Her long black tail was swatting in annoyance and frustration. "Now if you would kindly turn your pretty ass around and go back to princess sister I would be very thankful!" Her voice was quiet, but it held a furious tone. Her patience with the situation was long gone now and she wanted to move on, leaving the frustrating blue stallion and the warm golden mare behind. 

    After the words left her mouth, she began to slightly regret it. She knew very well that there a was point that every horse could be pushed past. And her harsh, foolish words might anger the stallion. Nerica pursed her lips together, a slight flicker of nervousness flashing through her eyes. She wasn't afraid. She was never afraid even though she was always aware that she could be hurt. But she didn't particularly want to fight with anyone today. Her body was still cold and hungry. Her feelings tangled and confusing as ever, the tall black mare stood frozen. Trying to stand taller to match her confidence. She would never show fear. 


    Messages In This Thread
    To Be Alone Or Not? - by Nerica - 09-10-2021, 01:30 AM
    RE: To Be Alone Or Not? - by Gale - 09-10-2021, 07:40 AM
    RE: To Be Alone Or Not? - by Aela - 09-10-2021, 09:55 AM
    RE: To Be Alone Or Not? - by Nerica - 09-10-2021, 01:13 PM
    RE: To Be Alone Or Not? - by Gale - 09-10-2021, 01:46 PM
    RE: To Be Alone Or Not? - by Nerica - 09-14-2021, 04:05 PM
    RE: To Be Alone Or Not? - by Aela - 09-14-2021, 07:22 PM
    RE: To Be Alone Or Not? - by Nerica - 09-17-2021, 06:26 PM
    RE: To Be Alone Or Not? - by Gale - 09-17-2021, 07:26 PM
    RE: To Be Alone Or Not? - by Nerica - 09-18-2021, 03:39 PM
    RE: To Be Alone Or Not? - by Aela - 09-19-2021, 08:46 PM
    RE: To Be Alone Or Not? - by Nerica - 09-21-2021, 04:35 PM
    RE: To Be Alone Or Not? - by Gale - 09-21-2021, 07:12 PM
    RE: To Be Alone Or Not? - by Aela - 09-26-2021, 07:20 PM

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