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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I will always find you (any)


    His scaled wings remain lifted, allowing for his body to cool itself. A light breeze passes over his now bare back, and his temperature begins to slowly drop. At least, to a more tolerable degree.The things were damn useful sometimes, even if he hadn’t had them for very long. He was learning, and more importantly he was remembering.

    He smirks, then grunts as the girls whispers find his ears. A passing piece of suggestion in regards to the now approached second. The female to find them is a deep, dark, stormcloud grey. Lovely in her own right he supposed, but far too much toned muscle for his taste. Not that he is looking, but a man can admire a woman, can he not? Too add to her roughness is a pair of large horns protruding from her head, and he can only guess this is the Jungle’s army leader.

    With this assessment he dips his head briefly, acknowledging her rank and position, showing her nothing but respect in that aspect. If he knew one thing, it was respect for elders, or for rank. Even by women. Especially by women, because in this land, women were always surprising him. Before she fully makes her way to their spot, the first female is correcting him on how to say her name. He smiles, turning his earthy head towards her, to look her in the eye. ”Right of course, Joscelin, but I think sunflower is a bit more appropriate.” It was for his own amusement really, having tugged the similarity of the flowers name and associating it with  the light that burst from her body.

    He finds the approacher once again before he speaks, this time louder for all to hear. ”I thank you for the offer, but I’m wise to decline I think.”Killdare had never seen a crocodile before, but assumed it was a carnivorous creature from the end of her quip. ”Besides, all the better for you to remember me by.” Of course he associated everything with smell, and as a result stored the faces of a scent when one applied. He thought everyone should and hated that more folks did not. Maybe if he stunk it up enough, they would be reluctant to invite him back, and he could spend his time more productively. It made sense to him at least.

    He smirks at the sound of his name, and gives a little bow, ”The one and only, and how shall I address you? General? Commander?” He was very serious to question the title, and his face only told of his actual desire to know. He would not be caught slacking on proper procedure, even as mundane as it might seem. The young lady had him pegged already, a place for everything, everything in its place.

    Dragon-Winged Tracker Colonel of the Chamber

    Messages In This Thread
    I will always find you (any) - by Killdare - 09-12-2015, 04:13 PM
    RE: I will always find you (any) - by Joscelin - 09-12-2015, 09:24 PM
    RE: I will always find you (any) - by Killdare - 09-13-2015, 04:45 PM
    RE: I will always find you (any) - by Lagertha - 09-13-2015, 06:56 PM
    RE: I will always find you (any) - by Killdare - 09-17-2015, 11:56 AM
    I will always find you (any) - by Anguisette - 09-17-2015, 08:12 PM
    RE: I will always find you (any) - by Lagertha - 09-18-2015, 04:37 PM
    RE: I will always find you (any) - by Killdare - 09-24-2015, 01:48 PM
    I will always find you (any) - by Anguisette - 09-25-2015, 07:48 PM
    RE: I will always find you (any) - by Lagertha - 09-28-2015, 10:52 AM

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