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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  the sound of your voice in the aching

    She is brimming in despair in a way that he has never seen before, overflowing with every negative emotion until he is afraid she might drown beneath it all.  He could take it from her, and he almost feels guilty for not doing it immediately, but it does not feel like a real solution. He could relieve some of that pain, but he also knows it will not fix anything. He can drain it dry but even he can see that what she is feeling is a bottomless well and it will only refill itself. For as long as this hurt lives inside of her there is nothing that even his power can do to get in front of it.

    He feels entirely helpless, but he tries not to show it. Tries to keep the way he oscillates between sorrow and rage from showing on his face, though he cannot keep the tension out of his jaw. He does not want her to think for even a second that he is upset with her, but his veins are a livewire and harnessing the tension is nearly impossible.

    He only softens again at what she says, his bright red eyes for once managing to reflect the grief and regret he feels when he looks at her.

    “I told you I would never be the one to leave. That I would never be able to let you go. Nothing has changed,” he tells her, quiet and earnest. Reaching over he gently touches his nose to her cheek, shifting himself closer to her so that now he is pressed firmly against her, hoping she will not pull away but internally bracing himself for the chance that she might. “There is nothing that could ever happen to make me not love you.”

    He is quiet for a long moment, though inside his mind is loud and screaming. His jaw is rigid as he feels her broken heart beating beneath her skin, and the way he can still taste the anguish that spills from her. It seemed unfair that he had the ability to remove her agony but no way to actually heal her; that all he can do is siphon emotions from her and leave her as an empty shell.

    The anger breathes to life beneath his ribs again and this time he is unable to head it off, his eyes hardening. Reaching over he pulls her into his chest, the rage of his heartbeat matching tempo with hers. He rests his mouth near her ear and he says in a low, darkened tone, “Give me his name, and I can fix it.”
    T O R R Y N

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    RE: the sound of your voice in the aching - by Torryn - 12-23-2021, 01:37 AM

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