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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I got hope in tomorrow and regret in yesterday, Sarah pony

    Since her arrival in Beqanna, Alanis has kept to herself. She just has not found herself overly curious about the other inhabitants, especially not after a few eavesdropped conversations easily convinced her she has washed up in a very strange place. Sometimes she stands on the shore she had arrived on, staring out at the ocean wondering if it was worth drowning to try to get back to more familiar places. In the end, the answer is always no. Nothing and no one that she had left behind was worth risking death for.

    She remembers being bored in that other land, remembers wanting to find something to fill up the quiet and empty hours and that she did not care much what it was. Whichever entity, god, spirit, or creature had granted her wish certainly had a sense of humour. Removing her from everything familiar had shaken things up.

    Today, she has abandoned the pointless watch on the shore and wandered into the forest. The features and inhabitants of Beqanna may be strange to her but some things are universal - and even if this is not a forest she has spent much time in, she’s seen plenty of them before. The way these trees differ just slightly from the ones she had grown up seeing doesn’t interest her enough to capture her attention. They are still trees, still grow from the ground and provide shade from the sun overhead.

    This perpetual state of being uninterested in everything is frustrating, and Alanis hasn’t yet realized she’s more social than she cares to admit - that she’s only not curious about them because she’s nervous.

    Today it takes a small flicker of lightning beneath the trees to capture her attention, to draw out that curiosity she tries to bury. What she thinks is a small storm cloud is soon revealed to be a horse standing on the edge of a pond fed by the stream she had been following. She moves slowly among the trees, frowning to herself as she peers around trunks and through branches to figure out what's happening without interrupting.

    Alanis pretends she’s just going to fade back into the shadows right up until the moment when she’s pretty sure the storm cloud is commanding a thread of water upwards.

    And that’s when she emerges, unable to help herself. There's a brightness to her eyes as she stops on the edge of the pond almost directly across from him and an edge of humour in her voice when she speaks, her nerves temporarily forgotten. “Seems like a very complicated way to take a drink. Is that how they do it here?”

    art by dalgeor

    [Image: arien-by-danjahmouse-db2ys34.png]

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    RE: I got hope in tomorrow and regret in yesterday, Sarah pony - by Alanis - 02-16-2022, 08:54 PM

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