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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    B A D W O L F || Chamber Gang, have at it.

    He can’t stop laughing. He really can’t. Everywhere he looks, chaos erupts. They run from them. They confront them as they scream about loyalty and protection. Do they even know what they are so willing to die for? Claim to die for as there hasn’t really been that much action, mostly just talk. Something is fighting against the fire, water making the flames go out with a hiss. For a moment he considers letting it go but instead he beats his wings to fan the remaining flames into action once more. Beating the coals into sparks that will help burn the fruit that surrounds the base of the burnt trunk. He can’t help but cruelly laugh as one gorges on the fruit, eager to steal it before it can no longer be tasted. He doesn’t focus on the smoking foliage for too long, he will let Weed and Kushiel handle that little situation. He’s minds on more important things now.

    A mare decides to pick up where the other had gotten distracted. She seems to think he can’t see her coming. It would have to be quite a kick to reach so high to break an already unfurled wing. Besides he’s already on the defense, ready for her to come. Her kick finds his barrel and makes impact and he snarls from pain as they connect. It’s not enough though, it’s never enough and he has faced worse opponents then a girl playing at being a soldier. All it takes is a few beats from those angelic wings and he is above her. Facing her, he lets his forelimbs fly heavily at her face before he glides over her and lands easily away from the fray. For something has caught his eye, the reason why they have come.

    The raven is circling back and now the painted mare he has come for bursts from her cover behind it. As she comes, he calls out for Cellar. For the poisonous girl to come back to him. The others are distracted with the Tree and their precious magical garden. Why are you doing this? She asks, fear and panic in her eyes. ”Because we can.” He responds quietly, sidling up to her with his wings outstretched. ”I’ve come for you. You are what I want.” He growls, his lips finding her neck and tugging roughly at the stray tendrils of her mane he finds there. ”Surely you don’t want the whole kingdom to burn? For all these innocent subjects to die such gruesome deaths?” Of course once the Chamberlings are let loose, not many of them can be controlled. Weed is only here out of his own interest and Gryffen doubts he could command him to do much more. Besides, he has no intentions of calling them back in. Of ending what he had started. Guilt can be so very useful when it comes to getting what you wanted, it's a tool that he can manipulate masterfully and he does so now. ”Come with me and you can save them.”

    He can see her defeat as her body deflates and her eyes dim. It’s always so easy, to wind that guilt around their vulnerable hearts. A small foal with an unusual dorsal stripe slips quietly close to the mare, pressing into her side. For a moment he considers tossing the girl to the floor but finally gives a shrug. The more captives the merrier. ”Come along dear, nothing else to see here.” He whispers into Fiasko’s ear. Before they leave, he finds Cellar. ”If they try to come after us… Stop them.” His order is clear, pointedly looking at her barbed scales. She knew exactly what he wanted her to do. And then the winged man, the painted Queen, and the star child all slip through the smoke and disappear. The other Chamberlings may have stayed behind to cause whatever destruction they wanted to continue but he had gotten what he had come for.

    - - - - -
    The Big Bad Wolf

    (Gryffen, Fiasko, and Caitlyn are gone but you guys can keep fighting as much as your little heart's desire ;p )

    Messages In This Thread
    B A D W O L F || Chamber Gang, have at it. - by Gryffen - 09-22-2015, 01:30 AM
    RE: B A D W O L F || Chamber Gang, have at it. - by Gryffen - 09-22-2015, 01:07 PM
    RE: B A D W O L F || Chamber Gang, have at it. - by Gryffen - 09-22-2015, 08:02 PM

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