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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    on the wings of valkyries - ramiel, sette, joscelin, aoi, any

    in the morning when I wake and the sun is coming through,
    oh you fill my lungs with sweetness and my head is filled with you

    Her barrel is quite swollen these days and she finds herself getting more and more anxious with each passing day. Her first child, by a shapeshifting stranger no less, and she was still a clean slate with not a single inkling of who or what she was. Only her name she could cling to in certainty. How was she to raise a child when she could remember nothing, had no recollection of what family and friends and parents had been like or felt like. The white mare has kept close to the trees in the rolling hills of the Dale. Winter had returned and with it she can recall the only memories she has, one of almost freezing to death in the Field till Ramiel and Eld had found her. Alone, dying, and with a broken mind. Now she looked alive and well, meat on her bones and a brightness to the stormy ocean of her eyes. And pregnant, can’t forget pregnant.

    The Dale had yet to churn up anything from her past despite the recognition of the kingdom’s name. Although she was still disappointed by her lack of memory, she was happy to be here. The Dale was slowly feeling more like a home to her and she would forever be in Ramiel’s debt for pulling her from the frozen darkness. So she would do the best she could to help him back, help his kingdom. As she leans against the rough bark of an oak tree, she sees the group approaching. Taking a few steps from her cover and squinting through the brightness, she makes out some mares and even a few foals. Of course she doesn’t remember the Amazons, doesn’t think that they may be a threat or coming to discuss Kingdom business. Instead she thinks that maybe they are homeless and seeking a place to stay. What better place than the Dale?

    She makes her way towards them, her progress slowed down by the snow and cold and her current physical state. There is a smile on her lips and her gaze is warm as she approaches. ”Welcome to the Dale! I’m Soliel.” She pauses, her gaze lingering on the filly with a surge of anxiety and sudden happiness. Deep down she thinks her own child is a girl and Sette instantly reminds her of what is soon to come. ”What brings you here today?”

    can I be close to you?


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    RE: on the wings of valkyries - ramiel, sette, joscelin, aoi, any - by Soliel - 09-28-2015, 02:55 PM

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