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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    and at once I knew, I was not magnificent || Any

    From above, the wicked shall receive their just reward

    The past season left Kronk in a daze. He didn’t know what to do with himself. Each breath he takes brings with it a sense of guilt, both for the destruction of his home and for his grief. He hadn’t expected it to hurt so much, he hadn’t been prepared for the emptiness that the fire would leave in its wake.

    He was so new to the Gates. What right did he have to grieve?

    And yet he did, in small, personal ways. He didn’t pretend to understand what the others were going through, but he felt the wrench in his soul whether he deserved to or not. And yet, he didn’t understand what was happening to Ledger. Not even in the small way he understood the Gates did he understand the other stallion’s pain.

    He seemed so hurt, his spirit so wounded. This had not happened in the attack, unless something had gone unseen by Kronk? It was possible, of course. There had been so much confusion, so much shouting, nobody could keep an eye on everything. And yet, that didn’t seem right. Kronk wasn’t sure how he knew, but he felt that this was Ledger’s private grief.

    Kronk only wished he could help him shoulder the burden. That was what he had always wanted, after all, a home and all that entailed. But still, he is not the best suited to comforting words. He was happy when Ilka pushed past him, and wished her to find the words that he could not. Yet, Kronk could still do something, he could report on the attack.

    “It was the Chamber.” He said quietly, as if he didn’t want to remind the burned wreckage of the tree.

    “They attacked with a small force, but they had a good deal of power among them. We were saved by…someone, a magician most likely, but nobody really knows.” Kronk swallowed hard. It was hard for him to admit, harder for him to remember. They had needed saving. They had been helpless.

    Kronk hung his head and didn’t look back up for a long time. He stood like a knight standing vigil on the grief. But, his head jerked up at Ledger’s whinny. He looked at the other stallion carefully.

    “Ledger?” He asked slowly, carefully. He felt something on the horizon, and Kronk swallowed nervously. A second latter the stallion whinnied again, but this time it ended in a roar.

    “Get back!” Kronk screamed at Ilka, but it was too late. The flaxen stallion was gone, replaced by a massive bear. Kronk’s eyes went wide as saucers, white rimmed and panicked. He swallowed back his instinctual urge to flee and skittered forward in nervous steps, wanting to reach the mare but knowing he was powerless to stop the bear.

    Yet, already the creature was toddling, flailing its head and feet. Kronk rushed to Ilka’s side. He could do nothing but take the blow in her place, should another one come. But, it is not necessary. The bear that had been Ledger crashed to the ground and began to change back. The guilt and sorrow on the other man’s face made Kronk’s heart hurt.

    He shook his head wearily. And gently nosed at Ilka, looking for injuries. He looked over his shoulder at Ledger.

    “You should rest, brother.”
    They perhaps, did not know each other well enough for such familiarities, and yet Kronk felt like he should say it. He wanted Ledger to know that he was not alone, that they would figure this all out, that the Gates would find a way  to rebuild.

    Yet, deep in his heart, he is not sure if it is true.  



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    RE: and at once I knew, I was not magnificent || Any - by Kronk - 09-30-2015, 12:18 AM

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