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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    we are aching bones and wasted years; esileif

    I'm your Queen, you're my Ruler.

    His words are like a slap in her face. It scares her how easily the golden stallion was able to read her and that while she thought she knew how to keep her thoughts to herself. But then Esileif realises that he didn’t read her thoughts like she was an open book, no, instead he just replied to her own teasing words. In an attempt to mask the war that had happened in her head for mere seconds she pulls up her lips to grin at him again. ”I bet you will be used to them in no-time, all though it would be fun to see you struggle.” Her words would sound hard if someone would jump in on their conversation, but the teasing air still lingers slightly around them.

    The thing he tells her are new to her, never before she had heard of kingdoms extending such gifts. But then again, who knew how long she has been stuck in time? It does explain why she has come across so many winged horses, now all the three males that she had met in the field supported their own set of wings, all though there was still a possibility that they had been gifted with them upon their birth. The bay and orangey white girl just nods her head into Magnus’ direction, a silent thank you for his explanation, but with the intention to let the subject rest for now.

    Where she had visited the Valley in the winter, she was now lucky enough to see the Gates during the spring. It was impossible to compare both the kingdoms, as they were too different from each other – all though there of course would be similarities too. It does not change the fact that Esileif is thrilled to see the Gates’ beauty. She had never known that lands could be this beautiful, the mountain herd she grew up in herself was far from it, and she had never had the chance to explore other lands.

    She listens to him intently as he guides her through the kingdom. It is only sometimes that Esileif turns her head to look at him, but most of the time she pleases her eyes by looking at every new aspect of the kingdom. Magnus’ words about his king make her think of her father for a moment, but it is only brief as they seem too far apart. ”You think high of him, don’t you?” she cannot help but to ask as he pauses for a second. Her head is turned sideward, so her two toned eyes could meet his.

    Esileif had to admit it sounded like Mast was a fair and nice monarch, but she cannot say that about the Gates’ former queen. How could a queen, a ruler, someone with high power, let herself be a part of a bargain? That didn’t seem right, nor logical, and in the young Spanish girl’s opinion it was never right to let yourself be treated like that.

    Her ears perk up again as the golden stallion continues. She does know the Chamber, but only by name. Magnus speaks of the future and between the spoken lines she can hear the unspoken ones. Revenge. And all though the cause of anger doesn’t affect her at all – why would she care about some former queen she didn’t even know? – his words sound promising. How great would it be if she could be part of a kingdom that would be able to take back, and maybe even more, what was stolen from them?

    It sparks a thrill in her and forces a shiver to run down her spine, as she prances alongside him in a sudden burst of energy. She tosses her black and white mane up in the air, before suddenly coming to a halt. Esileif gaze meets Magnus’ for a few seconds, before she let her eyes drift across the lands.

    On her lips burns the same question she had asked Fennick. She does not look at him as she speaks softly.

    ”Please tell me, Magnus, do you think that the Gates would be a good - fitting - home for me?”

    Belgarath x Alasia

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    RE: we are aching bones and wasted years; esileif - by Esileif - 11-06-2015, 07:35 AM

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