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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I swear it will get easier [Fynnegan, Gates peoples]

    He's laughed for so long that his sides ache, but it's a minor discomfort to him as they journey north. In fact it is a welcome discomfort, the roan stallion was glad to share in laughter once again. Weir had no trouble passing the time with talk. It came so easily in the company of the black pony. An adventurer at heart, that's what Weir thought of @[Fynnegan]. The little man was eager to journey with him, even to the Gates, and they set forth from the Meadow without delay.

    He wanted to hear what had befallen the Gates. He wanted to know from the source and not the rumors that whispered themselves across Beqanna. Not to mention he did not want to be a part of those rumors, so there was no better way to find out the facts. He wanted to meet the Gates people as well, see for himself the damage if they would allow him. He wanted to form an opinion, a reasoning for why they had ever been targeted in the first place.

    Once, a few Gates people had paid visit to the Dale. He had been rude to a particular male, they had not gotten along, and nothing of consequence had resulted from that meeting. For that he was sorry, for that he hoped they would not hold him any ill will. He remembered fondly the little mare that had come as well, a little filly clinging at her side. Wichita, he remembered her name, her demeanor.

    As they approached the Kingdom of Heaven Weir stopped, they would not make a mistake by just waltzing in. "Their borders lie just ahead my good fellow," he prattles to his companion, "best if we wait for them to come to us, and not the other way around." He turned and smiled down at the black stallion. "These people are said to have suffered a great misfortune, perhaps they will be willing to speak to us about it. Now that said, if things are to turn sour, we will leave straight away. If you must, I beg you do so even at the cost of abandoning me. No, no I won't hear a word against it." He insisted that he would hold them off if he must, that Fynnegan must find the Dale. He was certain it wouldn't come to that though, that would be especially odd considering Weir had no intentions at upsetting the quiet Kingdom. Just in case though, better safe than sorry.

    He shifts his weight, calls out into the meadows, "Hulllooo!" He knew they were a small Kingdom, and he did not want to stand in wait forever-best to make their presence known.


    If you hurt me, that's okay baby, only words bleed


    Messages In This Thread
    I swear it will get easier [Fynnegan, Gates peoples] - by Weir - 11-21-2015, 01:21 PM

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