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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I'm so excited, delighted - Magnus, any

    I'm so excited, delighted. I won't deny it or fight it.

    Her life had always been incredibly easy. First with her mother in the meadow, which she had only left to visit the Deserts once in an attempt to find her father. When that had turned out as wasted time, she hadn’t found the horse that carried the name Felidae, she had returned to the meadow. By then her mother was long gone, disappeared to other lands or maybe Alausi had died in some dark and silent corner. Felinae simply didn’t know and also didn’t really care. Sure she had loved her mother, like any child did, but they both had their own lives and if her mother didn’t want to share hers with her blue daughter, it wouldn’t be something for the bluish mare to trouble herself about.

    Then Zeik had walked in her life, causing unknown feelings to surface and she had willingly left the meadow the finally belong somewhere, with someone. You could call it love at first sight, both attracted to each other. Besra was the perfect example of the outcome. Their blue roan daughter carried her mother’s blue in her mane and tail, she was sweet and caring like her mother, but wise like her father. Yet Felinae didn’t get the chance to spend much time at Zeik’s side. Gryffen had torn them apart, forcing Felinae to live in his herd, a year of captivity. She had missed her mate dearly, her heart torn in between the longing for him and the anger for the fact he so easily gave up. But if he hadn’t done that she wouldn’t have met Minette. Min had turned out to be a true friend and together they had left that dreadful place in an attempt to give their girls and themselves a better future.

    Felinae now knows about hardship, about the darker sides of life. She has been forced to grow up, even though Min had always been there to help her through it all. And the cobalt blue roan mare was pretty sure she wouldn’t have been able to do so without her gray friend’s help. Now she has Zeik back, her daughter safely at her side but able to grow up in a careless and better way. She has found peace again, the good things in life. But she has also come to realise that there is more in life and that she wants to get more out of this life. And that was exactly why she was looking for Magnus.

    When thinking about the buckskin winged male she can only smile. She is happy for her friend to have found someone that loves her like she deserves, even though neither of them had told her anything about that, she could so easily see it. Next to that he had helped them get away from Gryffen, he had made it possible for them to create a brighter future. And now Felinae hoped that he could help her. ”Magnus” she greets him,  soft smile upon her lips. She dips her head slightly, hesitating for a moment. She isn’t really sure yet how she should voice out her thoughts. ”I.. I want to do something for the kingdom, for others..” she starts off, her eyes searching his again. ”I mean, like you and the Gates helped us get away from Gryffen. I want to do such a thing for others too.” She doesn’t look away, trying to read anything from his expressions. She hadn’t discussed this thing with Zeik and she isn’t sure if he would like it for her to become active within the kingdom. After all, she had only been a herdmare and before that she had even been homeless without any purpose. It isn’t a feeling of debt that drives her, but the will to do good for somebody else. And she hopes that Magnus will be able to help her do that.

    [Image: felinae_zpsxzrcory8.gif]

    Messages In This Thread
    I'm so excited, delighted - Magnus, any - by Felinae - 12-16-2015, 07:05 AM

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