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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Bloody Creature Poster Girl {Any}

    A hint of far off thunder woke the ex prince with a soft jerk of his head. His chocolate eyes squinting with sleepiness, and his nostrils pulled back attempting to wake himself up. This spring had many storms it seemed, more than last spring that was for sure. Though something about nights like this, after a storm, that he felt at peace. The buckskin boy finally managed to heave himself up from his pine needle nest, stretching and yawning as he went. For a moment he stood, letting out a long deep sign before walking on to do a patrol of the boarders. Heat ligthning flashed softly overhead as he made his way along the border. He wondered where all his family and childhood friends had gone...the more time went on, the more he realized how lonely he was. But he tried hard not to let it show, his mother always told him to conceal any weaknesses. Though sometimes the tone of his voice gave away his case of teen depression. As he walks along the border he notices the place where he and the wobbly GodBear played their games of chase and hide and go seek. He also sees the places where his mother would take him on stormy nights like this. So many memories, though the way he acted about them made it seem like he was some old stallion on his last thread, ready to die alone with no friends, family, or accomplishments. But he has his whole like ahead of him, the ex prince had just turned three.

    Lost in his thoughts, he hadn't realized he had not been paying much attention to patrolling and was startled when he caught sight of a large black figure with scars and a mangled ear. He stops short with a loud roaring sound. He smells jungle on her, but it is not as prominent as the smell of his beloved Valley. He calms now, realizing she is a resident here. His voice is calm, somewhat dreamy having just been startled out of his lala land. He speaks with ears perked and eyes glinting with curiosity of this large warrior of a mare."Not quite the best night for travel huh? My name is Davorin, I can tell you are from here but I have never seen you around before. What is your name?" residual foal-like curiosity can slightly be heard in his voice. He extends his muzzel out for her in a kind welcoming gesture. Even though he was no longer a prince, he still liked to treat the residents here with respect. No one liked to live where they do not feel welcomed or at home, no matter the reputation of the place. He studies her scars, and her ear, wondering how they got there or how they came to be. She looked as if she had many stories to tell, though he knew better than to ask her about them just yet. He did not want to seem bothersome or make it seem like he was prying. So he quietly stood before her, awaiting the dark warrior's words.

    Messages In This Thread
    Bloody Creature Poster Girl {Any} - by Alptraum - 05-04-2015, 06:13 PM
    RE: Bloody Creature Poster Girl {Any} - by Davorin - 05-04-2015, 07:21 PM

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