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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I'm here to cause all the dramz; war!

    The war was sudden. Sahm had been dozing off within the safety of the Gates when the smell of lingering smoke woke him up. As soon as his eyes opened he could feel the heat radiating against his skin, and sweat began to pour from him. He inhaled deeply and the fiery smell shocked his senses into action. Originally Sahm ran to the tree. He stopped yards from the flurry of action and watched as a magician and another horse put out the flames. He was about to run up to the two horses when suddenly another, blue stallion, stepped into the scene. The shock simply locked Sahm in place, and he stood and stared. His dad was standing before him, and he couldn’t even manage a step. Soon the chaotic scene diminished, and the horses lift.

    Sahm didn’t know what to do until a palomino stranger with clicking wings approached him. He introduced himself and managed to spur Sahm from stupor to anger. The Gates had been attacked, and he needed to take action! Zuclo was sleek and a spinster with words. He promised that the Valley would be for the taking, and Sahm with his mind filled with ignorance and blinding fury followed. Sahm wove himself quietly through the trees. He followed in step with Zuclo. He had full trust in the stranger- and he was thoroughly convinced in his vigilante goal. When the stallion counted down to the charge Sahm could feel his body begin to pulse with adrenaline. Every muscle in his body stirred, and he managed to take a quick deep breath before the alarming scream of “charge”.

    Quickly Sahm stepped from his position and threw his body forward into the fray. He noticed the wolves first, and he managed to weave through two only to be caught by the third. His back left leg halted. He screamed, and pulled his leg forward to then snap it back. Success! He made contact with the wolf’s throat which loosened the grip it held on him. Sahm continued to run behind Zuclo when without warning his quick-stranger-confidant turned and rose. Sahm froze again (Something he was good at) and simply caught the full weight of Zuclo’s kick and impact. Sahm’s body collapsed beneath the hit which had made contact on the upper part of his shoulder.

    Blood now oozed from a large, gapping wound on his shoulder. Sahm attempted to regain his line of sight by blinking several times, but Zuclo’s hooves lower with more force. He lets out a loud wince, and he hears a loud cracking noise echo from his ribs. Sahm knee deep in injuries scratches at the dirt beneath him until he is able to rise from his position. His head hangs low and he shuffles away until a snake made of shadow and mist wraps itself around his front hooves and forces him back onto the ground. It now becomes clear to Sahm he is poorly outnumbered.

    (Sorry- this is super late, due to laziness, sickness, etc: Due to fluid timeline this happened definitely during the war xD—and sorry for change in tense. I die. Whoever posts next gets the great chance to powerplay his death if you’d like. Jason will come and revive him and thus be giving up his magic. So you’d be officially taking out my favorite character *tear* >.>)


    Messages In This Thread
    I'm here to cause all the dramz; war! - by zuclopenthixol - 02-27-2016, 03:40 AM
    RE: I'm here to cause all the dramz; war! - by Elysium - 02-29-2016, 09:22 PM
    RE: I'm here to cause all the dramz; war! - by Sahm+Newton - 03-11-2016, 08:56 PM

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