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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    divine places to die in; Kingdoms (no Falls obviously lol)

    It is done.
    The ties that bind have come undone.
    She chose the spotted king over him, all because he had trouble staying in one place.
    All because her queenship changed her, and thus, him.

    He is bitter, but free, he supposes.
    What now though?
    He wonders what to do, as he is close to no one but his mother and she has taken up residence in the Deserts. Mandan will not run back to her side and cower there like a broken-hearted fool. He had briefly considered the likes of a herd but does not want the responsibility of running one on his own, why bind himself again to another or others now that he’s free again with nothing to chain him to this land?

    If only he could leave this land…
    Well he could, but he’s been elsewhere and keeps coming back here and he thought it was because of her but she couldn’t remain in love with him despite his absences - her heart grew too cold and she found another to warm it, how charming. He feels the first seeds of hate burst like rotten fruit in his chest, and he knows he will never set foot in the Falls again - never, not even to see his firstborn daughter who looks too much like her mother for him to stomach being around her. He thinks he is more likely to sequester himself in the cold reaches of the Tundra, it seems rather appropriate - she might have taken his heart, but she didn’t take the best of him, he supposes, not sure what else was really left but he’ll figure it out. More’s the pity for her that she simply didn’t have it in her to love him longer.

    He knows he is as much to blame as she is but she chose her queenship and the king over him in the end, and he will never forget that - that he came second or last or not at all in her heart and mind. Bitterness and blame are two hefty cupfuls that he drinks from, as he steps into the field, not really sure why it is here of all places that he has come if he was so keen upon the Tundra but maybe he’s not. Maybe he’ll retire to a place (like the beach) where only the sun will talk to an addax-horned horse skull; but no, Mandan is not the type to wither away just because love is lost - become embittered and hard and less likely to love again, sure, but die? No, that he just won’t do - he won’t pine away ever again, no matter how prone to wandering and disappearing he is, but then… she knew that and thought she could change that in him. Some things just can’t be changed, and here he is - large, bay, and hard-eyed - standing in the midst of the field, troubled inwardly by the fact that he came here of all places.


    ooc: och, he's a bitter beast now! lol

    Messages In This Thread
    divine places to die in; Kingdoms (no Falls obviously lol) - by mandan - 04-01-2016, 05:21 PM

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