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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    you're the blood of my blood; tannor | killdare | brynmor | kimber

    "With my speechless calm eyes."

    Today’s destination was the Gates, or the Heavenly Gates as some referred to it. After visiting the Valley and having met the Chamber’s king that had come to the Tundra, it would be the final destination. Okay, that was not entirely true as Brynmor still had another trip planned, but that one would be less diplomatic as this visit. It a tad bit more personal and although the gray male still didn’t like the idea, he knew he had to do it. Maybe then he would be able to see the changes, and finally get over the past. Mentally sighing the decides he shouldn’t keep postponing that particular visit, as this trip to the Gates would be the last important one for now.

    He’s silent as he walks besides his king, his mind busy replaying the conversations he had with the two other monarchs. He isn’t entirely sure what Offspring was looking for in the Gates and with their new king, but he couldn’t say he wasn’t curious to learn. It would make an odd pair, but if this change was really happening, stranger things might be ahead of them. Eventually Brynmor pushes the thoughts out of his head and instead he focusses on his new found ability.

    The lands they crossed were much better area’s for him to practise, as there was no snow that would give his presence away. Every day he got closer to successfully turn himself invisible, but the formerly blind man still struggled a little to keep the invisibility up as he was moving. Thus far he was able to stay invisible as long as he didn’t move, or barely moved. Most of the time Brynmor didn’t like the prying eyes, but the black king’s presence didn’t bother him much. They had grown closer lately and the gray counsellor was growing more and more fond about his king.

    When he stops besides the black ice king he stops his attempts, content with the slight progress he felt like he had made today, and he didn’t want it to disturb the diplomatic visit. He didn’t want the Gates to feel like he was about to sneak into the kingdom while being invisible, it could turn things against them.

    ”Killdare” he greet she magma king with a slight dip of his head, glancing over towards the green eyed male. They were an odd group. One red eyed (Offspring), one green eyed (Killdare) and one blue eyed (Brynmor). But other than that Brynmor looked terribly plain next to his brother king and their ally – tentative ally. Except for the black wolf paw scar on his chest he was completely ordinary.

    Finally Brynmor looks away again, but not after offering Offspring a small smile. His gaze travels across the Gates, for as far as he could see it from where they stood at their border. The kingdom seemed much different than the places he had already seen. Where the Chamber and Valley still had some similarities – far as Brynmor could say that, since he had been blind during the years he had lived in the Chamber – the Gates gave off an entirely different vibe.

    "Nothing is coming to rise."


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    RE: you're the blood of my blood; tannor | killdare - by Brynmor - 04-03-2016, 02:26 PM

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