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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    waiting for me to fail, that ship will never sail; offspring, any
    you're waiting for me to fail, that ship will never sail

    He had long since become accustomed to the silence. It was comforting in a way, and he found it easier to concentrate on his own thoughts. It had been on the silent ridges that he had learned to fly. Flying came as natural to him as walking did to others, and he spent many an idle hour careening across the clear blue sky. Mother, being winged herself, had insisted on near perfection in his flight. Now that he was nearing his fifth year, he had nearly achieved that perfection. The birds knew to move when the handsome bay was soaring amongst them, lest they be caught in his tailwind.

    Near the caves he had honed his bone bending skill, gradually moving up to larger and larger skeletons as he perfected the useful skill. Skeletons were easy to find here; the harshness of the Tundra was not for every creature, and more often than not they quickly perished. Often times he had wondered about whether his ability could be used on living bones, though he had never had the opportunity to try. He imagined that it would be painful, and up to this point of his life he had had no reason to hurt another horse.

    The king did not take long to find him. Brison had expected that. A kingdom was only as good as the horse who wore the proverbial crown, and no king worth his salt would let a strange call go unanswered. Whether he went to investigate himself or sent one of his trusted men, either way the intruder would be examined. Brison wasn’t an intruder per say, but he had largely remained hidden up until now. Dipping his bay head Brison returned the greeting, his honeyed eyes warm despite the frigid surroundings. “Offspring. I am Brison, former shadow lurker and hopeful new…recruit.” he said, a small smile playing at the corners of his black lips. The kings gaze fell to the bone creature at his side, and Brison nodded absent mindedly. “Funny thing, this. I can manipulate bones. Big bones, little bones…doesn’t matter. I’ve only practiced on skeletons of those passed on, but I suspect I can manipulate the bones of the living as well.” With a look of concentration he turned back to his snow leopard, which lurched forward jerkily, the skull flopping a bit on the spine. Without the tendons and muscles to support it, it was ungainly at best but still it stepped forward. Furrowing his brow deeper he pulled mentally, and the whole thing shattered to pieces; the hips were pulled from their sockets, the spine bowing before breaking in half with an eerie crack. “But that’s not why I ventured down from the hills. I’d like to pledge myself to the kingdom, and be used in whatever capacity they need me most.” he said, returning his stoic gaze to the black draft. Relaxing his wings at his sides he waited; that’s all there was to do now.

    winged, immortal, bone-bending son of brennen and bitch

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    RE: waiting for me to fail, that ship will never sail; offspring, any - by Brison - 04-05-2016, 02:29 PM

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