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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    don't be a casualty, cut the cord | ALL ARMY
    If it weren't for the idea of work and betterment of the kingdom, the dip dye mare would have gone insane at this point. Between losing her unrequited lovers, both of them - one in death, her children leaving and the other changes in Beqanna her mind had been busy. It's concerning to her that all other members of the Chamber's army have yet to call a meeting, to strategize or at the very least go over the war at hand. This would have been a time that she would have expected to see the black General on the horizon, calling out but it wouldn't happen today. It wouldn't happen any more days for as long as she lived but she doesn't allow it to become fact.

    The Chamber brought new recruits each day and yet, the army didn't grow.

    She is not very diplomatic but in recent weeks she has become a little less terrible at it so she decides to take it upon herself to call the meeting. Kimber is constantly on the line of thinking she's great and nothing at all - radiating confidence, to age-13-growing-boobs-confidence. She makes a straight line for the back corner of the Chamber, her hips sway to and fro as she nods to a few members in passing and keeps her eyes peeled for certain individuals. She would be looking for the bear, Lupei, Zayn and newcomers. There weren't many of them but you have to start somewhere. Once the blue mare reaches her destination, she faces the Chamber as a whole and can see the bigger picture. She can see grass beginning to push up, the air becomes less thick with ash each day, and the members less distraught. "All members of the Army or those interested in joining, the time is now," she says in proud voice, though she is certainly faking it until she makes it. Kimber had training, she had the heart of men twice her size but formalities and how to bring people together was not her strong suit. She felt like she drove people apart but it was a character flaw she wasn't willing to admit.

    Pride is an asshole.

    "I think it's time we discuss the war from a tactical standpoint, learn from mistakes and acknowledge good strategy but first we need to assess how many of us there are and become familiar with what strengths we possess as well as weaknesses," she says bluntly, her amber eyes stern - it felt natural now. "I'm Kimber, one of the Captain's," her tone is cocky but she knows that it's really anyone's opportunity but she didn't think fondly of answering to many people. Time would only tell how the cards unfold.
    you can't love a cold-blooded woman

    OOC: If you were a part of the war or even if you just want to play like a bystander, please mention anything you found helpful.

    As soon as I get a count of who's here and interested, she'll explain what the next steps are in her smurf brain <3

    Messages In This Thread
    don't be a casualty, cut the cord | ALL ARMY - by Kimber - 04-06-2016, 06:38 PM

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