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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Maybe I would have been Something you'd be good at [Chemdog]
    learn to read between the lines, yeah?

    I'm not sure how long I waited against that tree. It felt like the longest time, ever second filled with sounds that in the light of day would have been normal but now triggered an alarm. This unknown forest was not the same the forest she followed her brother through at night when they wandered away from Mother. Even though the concept was the same, a lot of trees all together in one place, it didn't change the fact that I feel completely and totally out of place.

    I wasn't a kid anymore, my body, while it still left plenty of space for growth, had grown into the form of a more mature mare. I left my childhood home and found my own space, and all there was left to do was fulfil that daughterly duty that nagged at me. The task was all that held me still, unable to move on, unable to start her own life. I was rather lost in my own thoughts and woes when I heard it. A snap of a twig, the light creek as the wood moaned against the pressure then the sharp echo-y crack as it gave way. I tense, every muscle clenched to flee, then a curious soft voice rings through the air. I know it comes from a male by the voice, but the form is hidden in the darkness. I shrink back further against my tree, there was something about the tone of the stallion, that made her think he might be safe. "Hello?" His words continued in a mock echo of my own. Cooing, coaxing me to safety, bringing me a guide from the haunted darkness of the forest. He must have heard me and he moved closer, my eyes finally could make him out, and boy he was tall. I mean TALL, and built, I should have been intimidated, but I wasn't. I watch him move to me, and I relax, I have no reason to, everything mother taught me said otherwise, but I did, I relaxed. Maybe I was just so tired of being scared, or I was just so relieved, but I so happy to see someone else in this darkness, that I trusted his intentions....well I trusted he wasn't an immediate threat.

    I looked up at him the detailed of his features were still hidden but I searched for details of why he came here, was talking to me just the same. He asks if I am lost, and I instinctively nod before I even have a chance to speak truth or lie. "Yeah... I seem to have gotten turned around. I have only been through here once before and it was during daylight....do you happen to know the way to Chamber?"

    nymphetamine x kimber

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Maybe I would have been Something you'd be good at [Chemdog] - by Vessel - 04-06-2016, 09:21 PM

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