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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the stars incline, they do not compel; PHASE I


    If we don't make it alive, well it's a hell of a good day to die

    It is the pulse in her veins. The mantra echoing through her ears as the thin layers of magic envelope her. Gail. One layer of protective magic. Gail. Another layer. Gail, Gail, Gail. A thousand heartbeats, a thousand layers wrapped around her like a cocoon. She feels each one as it alights against her skin, and just as soon as the last one falls into place she is gone.

    Caught between a heartbeat and eternity, when she next opens her eyes she is among the stars. She gazes around at the emptiness around her and feels a sense of peace. To stay up here forever, what a dream. There is no pain, no anger, no love, just the cold and dark. And she likes it. The stars twinkling in the distance so close yet light years away, wink at her enticing her to come to them, to stay awhile. To stay forever. The siren song of the stars pulls her from where she hovers motionless, drawing a step from her reluctant hooves. She was her for a reason after all. It is as she takes that first step that she feels the pulse once more.gail.Gail.GAIL. It screams in her ears drowning out the coy promises the lights bring. She feels the layers of her protection start to flutter off as well. With each step, each beat, another layer vanishes. Each step leaves her colder. The enticing visions of running and hiding among the stars vanish before her eyes, and the hisses of anger that replace them chill her blood. Looking around she sees that she isn't floating or flying or hovering. Her hooves are planted firmly on what appears to be an asteroid. Surrounding her are small glowing balls of light, complete with gaping mouths filled with teeth and razor claws that shine like diamonds. The light creatures are angry that their illusion has failed and still eager for a meal of tasty flesh.

    Pure panic laces through her blood as a shrill whinny tears it's way past her lips. She is immobilized, her fear rooting her in place as the lights draw closer. The creatures sensing her fear, her helplessness, start to do what she can only assume is a laugh. It starts as a whisper, a rustling of the glowing fur that covers their bodies, and turns into a roar. It is a wave that crashes over her and reminds her of the evil magician that had captured her father and led her on this tumultuous path to begin with. The stallion that aided in the ruin of her fragile young psyche. The bastard that hurt her family. As she stands listening to the laughter of the light creatures, feeling the layers of protective slipping from her body one by one, it comes back to her. The anger that had been her food and drink, her life source over the last two years fills her veins and comforts her like an old friend. When next the silver girl opens her eyes there is a fire burning hotly behind them. She feels back in control. With a battle cry she lunges for the nearest creature ripping it apart in her teeth and kicking out at another. They are startled by the sudden change within her and by the time they start to fight back it is too late. The first wave falls easily, but as soon as she thinks she is finished more take the place of their fallen starpoofs. They are fragile things made of hate and stardust, but the numbers are overwhelming. Though she hates to do it she attempts to run.

    With a mighty push from her hind legs. She tries to leap over the starpoofs in front of her towards the empty expanse of the asteroid and finds she is sailing farther and higher than she intended. The protection of the dark god sends her falling back towards the ground so she can try again. She glances back to see the starpoofs running towards her, so she centers herself and leaps again.

    She soars through the vacuum and once more lands on the rocky surface of the asteroid. She repeats her series of leaps to gain ground as well as hop from asteroid to asteroid seeking the warmth. There are spans between jumps as she soars through space where she wonders if she will ever touch the ground again, but always the magic brings her back down. The time between jumps grows longer and longer, as the layers of magic peel from her body. With each jump she is colder and suspended midair for extended periods of time. Always however she feels the beat of her name in time with her heart and the need to find the warmth. it is what keeps her pressing onward when her limbs start to ache and grow stiff and her breath clings to her cheeks like frozen dew. She has seen others pass her by and has passed some as she continues her journey towards the warmth.

    She feels it immediately. Like the sun creeping behind a snowstorm, it's there. The warmth. A radiant halo sits just within her reach emanating heat. She is near giddy with excitement as she feels it start to caress her skin. With her final effort she bunches her legs beneath her and jumps towards the source of the warmth as the last layer of magic falls from her hide. The cold takes her immediately, freezing her in place as she rockets towards the wormhole and gets sucked through to the other side. She has no control of her landing, and blacks out as the lack of oxygen overwhelms her. Moments later she awakens with her name in her pulse, and regaining her feet she takes in the landscape around her.

    Silver dapple sabino|Mare|Andalusian Hybrid|Falls

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    RE: the stars incline, they do not compel; PART I - by Tyrna - 05-12-2015, 05:51 PM

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