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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones [Topsail]

    The bay didn't have to wait long before a sandy brown mare answered his call. She moved out from the shadowy distance into the orangy light and moved towards the red stallion. In the brief time, he had waited he had noticed yet again how different other kingdoms were from Chamber. The Valley was obviously a different slope than Chamber and vegetation was different. Unlike Falls, Vally wasn't as "pretty" or feminine; there was some roughness to its landscape and Nymphetamine like the masculinity.

    The conjurer held his space, he was proud but held no threat to Valley or the mare. He needed to complete his task and return so he hoped this would be a quick and mostly eventless visit. She stopped in front of him, eyes curious and impish. Then it was there, in his mind, her voice. It was unlike Violence, who tore and prodded into his thoughts, his secrets. Her voice was soft and his privacy of his mind was his own. At first, his ears pinned, flat dark brown pressed firmly to his skull, as the last time any presence but his own had been in his mind it was not welcomed. However, this was different and he immediately relaxed.

    Once he had relaxed he realized her mouth never moved, and that he had never encountered another like her. Beqanna never stopped throwing new things at him. He dipped his head, and began working his angle, it wasn't anything bad. Nymphetamine had two purposes, one to introduce himself, as the highest ranking diplomat under Killdare he felt the need to Keep positive relations with the other kingdoms on a more personal note, that way if he needed to call on them it wasn't as awkward. Secondly, the bay needed to check on how Eight was doing and if everything was going to plan. A few leading questions should give him the knowledge he needed without being blunt. Oh, that was surprising! Topsail, I didn't mean to be sour at you. My last encounter with another in my mind was less than pleasant. I wished to introduce myself, as the ranking diplomat for Chamber, I felt it is my duty to make connections where I can." His voice was deep a full tenor that held the air nicely. He hoped she would accept his apology.

    He paused long enough to allow her to speak. before finishing with his few questions. Valley is quite the site this time of year, do you find it to your liking? Maybe I could bother you for a tour? He glanced curiously to the lands deeper within the kingdom. He wished not to be rude, but he did not wish to linger awkwardly in the border making even more meaningless small talk.


    cold was my soul, untold was the pain I faced when you left me: a rose in the rain

    [Image: nymphetamine_zpsmlx48otf.gif]

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    RE: Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones [Topsail] - by Nymphetamine - 04-27-2016, 07:15 PM

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