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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    brothers, sisters, let me be your shelter || MANDATORY KINGDOM MEETING [ALL]

    Love is friendship set on fire ...
    She cannot say that it surprises her that her mother wasn’t be able to join them. Ever since her birth she hadn’t seen the bay roan mare do anything that would cost more energy than resting, eating and sleeping. Never had Roan taken her out for a walk, never had she been able to play with her mother and there hadn’t been much she had learned from Roan. It had always been Brynmor. Her father had shown her around, had told her what it meant to live as a mare in the Tundra. He had also been the one to explain her that her mother could never see her. Oh, she loved her parents dearly, but she couldn’t help but to be jealous of what Offspring and Isle’s children had with their parents.

    Like any child she had been much excited to see her father with wings and she had been much interested in how he had gotten them. Of course he had told her – Brynmor couldn’t tell her ‘no’ in such a matter – and it had only resulted in the fact that she is eager to earn such a thing too. Igni simply isn’t the girl that her father wants her to be, his disapproving look was enough to tell her that.

    The blue roan girl stands at his side, curiously looking around to all the unfamiliar face that have gathered. She watches as her father greets a few of them, but she doesn’t follow his example. Going against her nature she suddenly feels shy, being around so many strangers and aware of the fact that they would probably expect something of her, just like her father.

    She cannot say that Offspring’s words don’t surprise her, it goes right against everything her father had taught her, but the surprise is like the one of a birthday party you didn’t know about was thrown for you. For a short moment she hesitates, looking at Brynmor. When she looks at the king again the stranger her father spoke to is standing beside him, acting all buddy like, but it doesn’t stop her from approaching. ”Uncle Offspring! Can I be the first girl in the war caste? Oh please, uncle, I really, really want to be the first!” As she speaks, fast due to her excited state, she’s almost bouncing next to him, a wide grin upon her face.

    This would change her entire future. She knew that her father wanted her to stay, and probably her mother too, but honest, Igni hadn’t wanted to stay as just a mare. She was built with the same fire and passion as her father was and she was desperate for more. Now she wouldn’t have to leave the Tundra, not with this change her uncle – or that was how she referred to him – had decided to put the Tundra through.
    ... and fire is the burning passion within.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: brothers, sisters, let me be your shelter || MANDATORY KINGDOM MEETING [ALL] - by Igni - 07-04-2016, 01:08 PM

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