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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    of the distant mountains; Brynmor & Igni
    With my speechless calm eyes,
    nothing is coming to rise.

    Her touch leaves a tingling sensation wherever her muzzle travels. He breaths in her scent as he eagerly pushes his nose against her, exploring her all over again. It is not like they hadn’t been around each other during this hard time, but to see her up and this well has his insides flutter all over again. Off course Roan had always been Roan and he loved her dearly, but seeing her like this meant more to him than anybody could imagine. Brynmor can see how the traces of her illness disappear from her face – at least momentarily – when she smiles. He cannot help but to grin back, although he’s aware of the fact that she cannot see it, he simply can’t stop it from spreading upon his lips.

    He grows somewhat excited, like he’s still young and cannot keep his emotion in check, but unable to get the excitement and tension out by moving he just stands at her side, electricity almost noticeable in the air. ”You look better too, healthier, livelier.” Almost like the Roan he had met when he still had been blind. Not that he had taken in her appearance them, but although her somewhat timid nature she had been witty. Not to forget to mention that the spark was still there, or at least, Brynmor still felt it. Igni arrives way too soon for his liking, but it wouldn’t be fair to keep Roan busy and to himself, their daughter had just as much the right to spend time with the bay roan mare.

    Igni was a roan, just like her mother, except for the fact that she had a black base, which he assumed came from himself. That was only a guess though, he only knew himself as a gray, when his coat still had had some color his eyes had only seen the darkness. The gift to see had only come later. With those same eyes he watches mother and daughter, stepping back a little, but never too far. His muzzle lingers upon her shoulder, not yet ready to pull away from his lover entirely. Except for a short moment when he moves towards Igni, brushing his muzzle across his daughter’s cheek – opposite from Roan.

    Hearing her speak he chuckles lightly, playfully nipping at her withers. ”Our daughter” he teases. It is impossible for him to express how he feels right now. Roan is finally showing signs of improvement and he cannot only share his joy with her only, but also their daughter. Although Igni’s birth had partily been the cause of Roan’s illness, the blue roan girl is an outcome of their love.


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    RE: of the distant mountains; Brynmor & Igni - by Brynmor - 08-07-2016, 02:27 PM

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