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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Castaway Guardian
    The Guardian has returned.
    Akkadian noticed the abrupt change in Josie's behavior. Where she had become chilled and short, she was now alight with a flame of pride and happiness. Whatever place this Tundra was, it certainly pleased her.
    More like a family than anything, she says with a smile, and we also have castes.

    He blinked. Glanced at Magnus for any kind of clarification, then looked back to Josie. A family.. and caste? Family was equals in his land and the very definition of caste is an hierarchy and social status. They sounded like near opposites to Akkadian but he shrugged it off, keeping his doubts to himself. He would learn the culture and understand it better at a later date. Whatever it meant to her, she clearly believed what she was saying; her face was still bright and hopeful. He always put more value in how someone spoke rather than what they said and would take her expressions to heart.

    What was your name, she requested again. He tensed, and hesitated, but nodded slowly to her after a moment; a silent promise he would respond in good time. His gaze turned to Magnus, prepared to hear him out as well.

    The stallion agreed with her that her kingdom was noble, but claimed a different one as his home; one called the Gates. The place sounded to Akkadian like a place of safety for peaceful and gentle people. He didn't feel in need of shelter so this didn't interest him. However, Magnus continued by bringing up a good point; such a place needed help to remain that way. Akkadian nodded as the man talked, taking in his words thoughtfully, but also noting that he said them simply and honestly.

    Then Magnus suggested he visit both places to gather a better opinion as to which kingdom would suit him best. This was a sensible stallion, indeed. Akkadian had to agree the idea had merit.

    This is a wise proposition, and I will do as you recommend. He bowed his head respectfully to him, before looking to Josie once more. What was your name..

    He held her gaze in his for a long, quiet moment, then looked away, focusing on nothing in particular as he pondered how to respond. He had debated on simply taking up a new name since he was now in a new world where no one would know him anyway. He could be whoever he wanted to be, no longer held by the expectations of a name. Not many came with such expectations, even in his culture, but his did. He suspected it had a great deal to do with the fact he wasn't the king's and queen's legitimate son. He decided against it though, fearing such a claim would dishonor the only family he knew.

    It is more a title than a name, he began. He grimaced at his words, feeling as though he'd said too much already, and went silent. It was true, though; it could be compared to a king naming his bastard daughter "Page" as she performed a page's duties, receiving and delivering messages for the king and the like. Only, his was gravely more important as it involved life and death. In truth, the similarities ended there. He was probably just being self-conscience about it now that he knew the reality of his birth. The king had kept it secret and he'd grown up believing he really was their family.

    He was raised by a king, he reminded himself. When they could have turned him to a different family, or even killed him (not an uncommon outcome), they had accepted him. He had been given the privileges of a prince, the education of one, and the even further education of war tactics and techniques that princes did not receive. He had been selected for this, built for it. And the great king would not take such a thing lightly. Akkadian shouldn't either. He was trained for a purpose, and he would continue that in honor of everything they'd done for him, as the warrior they crafted with great care. He had been chosen. He was the Guardian.

    His expression hardened, standing tall. The trace of doubt left his eyes as he turned back to them, something else entirely glinting like steel within their depths.

    I am called Akkadian-Shakkad.
    His voice tolled, strong and solid. And there was a fortitude to his name, a deep undertone of power that reverberated through to his soul. As if in saying it, he had said everything he had accomplished thus far, and everything he believed in.

    But also, a vow for everything he would become.

    ooc: feel free to reply or(/and then) he will follow you to your homes ^.^

    Messages In This Thread
    Castaway Guardian - by Akkadian - 08-06-2016, 07:39 PM
    RE: Castaway Guardian - by Josie - 08-06-2016, 07:55 PM
    RE: Castaway Guardian - by magnus - 08-06-2016, 09:34 PM
    RE: Castaway Guardian - by Akkadian - 08-07-2016, 02:12 PM
    RE: Castaway Guardian - by Josie - 08-07-2016, 03:21 PM
    RE: Castaway Guardian - by magnus - 08-07-2016, 06:21 PM
    RE: Castaway Guardian - by Akkadian - 08-07-2016, 08:43 PM
    RE: Castaway Guardian - by Josie - 08-07-2016, 09:47 PM
    RE: Castaway Guardian - by magnus - 08-07-2016, 11:16 PM
    RE: Castaway Guardian - by Akkadian - 08-09-2016, 09:07 PM
    RE: Castaway Guardian - by magnus - 08-13-2016, 02:11 AM

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