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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    it's been a long time coming; romek, reagan
    " I'll never lose sight , "
    "At this point, what have I got to lose?” It is a statement that makes him think before silently following. In many ways she wasn't wrong. They were all at a point where they had nothing and in turn nothing to lose. Though being at the very bottom one could be meant that the only direction they all had to go was up.

    It was common sense to think that there had to be something out there. Something that Beqanna meant for them to find. The mists that surrounded the neutral lands was eerie and threatening to most that laid eyes on it, yet it beckoned to them all, even those who could not see. It was as though it was saying "Come now, pull open the door and look inside." And to be honest it was something that was quite difficult to ignore.

    In all reality they were curious and many had already set off in the direction of the mists, eager to find out what lay behind it, waiting to be discovered. For a while he walks beside her, easily matching her pace with his long muscular legs. He can sense the confidence that lay behind her silence and like her, he could tell that she had more to her than one would first assume. Like her, he had known Eight well. The magician had once handed him the throne in the Valley in a show of support and ever since Demian had had the highest respect for the dark king.

    The two had worked together to form a growing kingdom, that was until the war came. It was then they had all gathered together to replace leaderships and to protect future bloodlines. You could say it had been an interesting twist and before the changes Demian had watched Eight grow even more and retake his throne beside Topsail, the one he had so delicately picked to take his place.

    She had been a mare that he had full confidence in. Her blood coming from the Gates was another interesting twist to the Valley throne. For a Gates princess stepping on as queen was rarely heard of, if ever and yet Demian had somehow known she would do just fine. It was when they reached the forest surrounding the meadow that Demian stopped for a moment, his weight shifting slightly from side to side. "It's interesting," his voice is relaxed as it slips through his lips and he steps forward once more. "How changes like these can bring those together who would probably never have met otherwise." Lips turning upwards slightly, he allows himself to smile, carefully stepping so as not to trip over any fallen branches or large rocks.

    He walks now in silence, letting her muse over the simple thought before suddenly stopping once more. The fluid sound of a male's voice has caught his attention and quickly his head turns, his ears pricked straight before he begins to move forward. "I think I have found him," moving into a gentle trot, he eagerly makes his way towards the voice, coming to a stop before the large stallion. "Romek, It has been quite a while." He turns his head towards the sound of Reagan's hoofbeats. "This is Reagan, I found her in the field and asked her to follow me around and I'm surprised she did, you know, without my eyes and all." If he could of winked at this point he would have and a small chuckle follows soon after before he turns back to face the other. "How are you dealing with the changes?"  

    DEMIAN ( carnage x adalind )



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    it's been a long time coming; romek, reagan - by demian - 09-04-2016, 03:54 PM

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