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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Risky Business-{Birthing--Koen}

    To say the least his world had been turned upside down. 

    It was just yesterday when he was lumbering around with Tiana, and now a few months later all has turned to complete chaos. Equine that were gifted with abilities from birth were stripped of all traits immediately, transporting them to the Mountain in order to plead for the use of a temporary trait. He of course, unlike the many cowards of Beqanna who hid behind the temporary trait of immortality he claimed the limbs that he would forever and always call his own, wings. He would rather fly about and see the world than live a miserable life forever.

    So here he was. Aimlessly guiding himself down the last stretch of the Mountain, his temporary wings folded properly at his sides as he gazed down at the meadow below. Some how it seemed smaller than he remembered, trees dotted the horizon as small streams of clear liquid ran through the meadow's veins. It was if everything had moved one inch to the right, something was just off. His dark chocolate gaze circles the cliques of kingdom equine frantically gathering their comrades into a little horde. While many mares lay dormant with swollen barrels awaiting for their children to be born. 

    Wait a second... Was he forgetting someone? As he reached the base of the meadow the familiar scent of Tiana mingled with blood filled his lungs. Oh that's it. His optics searched for the ebony and purple mare, he had totally blanked that she had been expecting his-their child. So with that one began to search the meadow for her gorgeous inky black build, it was almost immediately did he launch off the ground with a huge force of will his wings propelled him forwards with a gust of wind, his appendages galloped in the air as if that helped in any means to make himself faster.

    As Koen grew nearer and nearer a navy lump on the ground become more and more visible. Fluttering himself back to the lush earth ever so gracefully, the gentleman cautiously strode towards her. Navy pistons driving him forwards, as his lobes perked in curiosity, "Tiana." her name escapes his lips as he came up beside her. Pressing his muzzle against her cheek and flaring his nostrils gently as he ran his velvet lips down her sweat drenched neck in a greeting. It had been long since he had seen her, too long for the matter. He should of reached out to her, he should of been there for her but he simply wasn't. He was going to make up for it. With fatherhood. "I've missed you." He husks his vocals running rather rough today, for his throat wasn't well adjusted to an immense amount of speech.

    Affectionately he caressed at her purple before placing his attention upon the petite blue child that was glued to his mother's side. Moving his muscular body, the man drew closer to his boy. The nares of his nostrils flare as he intakes his son's scent. Allowing his muzzle to tussle at the little lad's forelock gently (I'm guessing Koen showed up right when Tiana named him, and overhead.) a smug grin tugged at the corners of his mouth as he spoke, "Hello Albus. I'm your father." In truth Koen was proud to be a father, he never fully stuck around for stuff like this. It was just never a commitment he was ever officially committed to. But this year he had a change of heart, he couldn't tell if it was Tiana or that fact that he had fallen in love.

    May We Meet Again


    OOC: Cheesy ending lol

    Messages In This Thread
    Risky Business-{Birthing--Koen} - by Tiana - 09-04-2016, 11:12 AM
    RE: Risky Business-{Birthing--Koen} - by Lullaby - 09-04-2016, 07:19 PM
    RE: Risky Business-{Birthing--Koen} - by Tiana - 09-05-2016, 09:19 AM
    RE: Risky Business-{Birthing--Koen} - by Lullaby - 09-06-2016, 04:35 PM

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