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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  A Rose In The Rain [ Warship/Chamberlings]
    Siba was beyond thrilled; not only for the fact that some of the horses here were petitioning for a kingdom, which meant safety for the herd, but also that Nymphetamine was taking an interest in her plight. Due to her nervousness, which the stallion picked up on, he walked over to her to give her a sense of reassurance, something Siba appreciated. She took in a breath to settle down, taking a note that her sire was looking at the cut on her neck.

    "It's fine Father; minuscule. It'll heal in a day or two," she said, brushing her muzzle back to move her mane so it covered the cut.

    When Siba mentioned Nitika, Nymphetamine seemed to want to help. She followed her sire to the group of horses, shrinking back a bit in their presence. Never before had she been around such an imposing group. She'd met the leaders of the Chamber a couple of times, but for very brief periods of time. Here, in their presence, with leaders of other fallen kingdoms, she felt very small, invisible almost...

    The mare stood by her sire's side, although a bit behind him as she let him do all the talking. Without any hesitation, Nymphetamine introduced her as his daughter before explaining that her dam, Nitika, needed a home so she could heal from the wounds she'd received during Beqanna's changing. Siba kept her eyes down, not looking at the other leader-esque horses, knowing it might be considered a challenge to do so.

    Instead, the blue-eye filly waited for her sire to finish speaking. When Nymphetamine was done, he gestured for her to lead him to her dam. Smiling, glad that it seemed he was genuinely concerned for the paint mare, Siba turned away from the leaders and led her sire a ways into the trees.

    She'd brought her dam much closer than she had intended, but in the case that someone wanted to help, Siba didn't want Nitika to have to travel much farther. So she'd found a safe place, a mile or so's distance from the herd, a secure place that would provide Nitika safety while Siba left to find help. The blue-eye mare turned her head continuously to continue looking at the land; something she had always done, considering one of her eyes was blind.

    Reaching a particularly dense thicket of trees, Siba motioned for her sire to continue falling. Using her body to try and brush some of the thicket aside so he could continue after without getting smacked in the face by the thick branches, Siba let out a small whinny, letting the nearby horse know she was close and would be arriving any minute.

    Finally, Siba reached the end. She spotted the paint mare standing weakly on the other side of the small glenn. Nitika had a defeated posture, her body weakened and hurt. A nasty cut ran along her shoulder, though the amount of blood seemed to have lessened in Siba's eye, which gave her hope; perhaps her dam standing still had helped to stop the wound from bleeding moreso than it had. As it was, the mare's front leg was stained red.

    The mare's blue eyes were tired, but filled with hope and love when she saw her daughter. Siba trotted over, nuzzling her dam, running her muzzle along the mare's neck. Nitika returned the show of affection, lifting her head much as she could and nibbling Siba's forelock. Siba met her dam halfway, knowing Nitika shouldn't be moving much.

    "Are you okay Mom?" she asked, concerned for the paint mare. Siba looked back to Nymphetamine, her one good eye filled with worry and fright, "I moved her as far as I could... but she's tired Dad... I don't know what to do... I'm scared..."

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: A Rose In The Rain [ Warship/Chamberlings] - by Offspring - 09-05-2016, 06:59 PM
    RE: A Rose In The Rain [ Warship/Chamberlings] - by Siba - 09-08-2016, 02:01 AM

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