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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    cat scratch fever (Ashara, Draconis, other Amazonians and any other mares)
    She spun the stars on her fingernails
    Nayl’s heart is with the Jungle and the sisterhood. She has inherited the heart and passion of countless Amazon’s that swirl in her family pool. Their blood is her blood, their devotion is hers.

    When the Jungle was strong she had regretfully slipped back into the shadows, but now, when it needs her – them – the most she answers. The screams of the world reverberated through her entire core. Wisps of her magic clawed at what little she could; she felt the world tremble and roar, and felt the Jungle demolish itself as though her own soul had been destroyed with it. Only after the screams did she suddenly lose grip of what she had; suddenly, the tendrils of her strength were torn away from her. Despite her efforts she cannot bring to life what she once could.

    And just like that Nayl realized.

    It wasn’t Naga’s calling that drew Nayl from the crypts of the old world; it was that familiar scent that is still tightly latched to her skin. That small inhalation opened her heart and her hopes that she could round together the sisters and help to rebuild their lifelong tradition of bondage. Now that they have met with their eyes lit by the same passion there are more trickling forward. Elation initially courses through Nayl’s veins, but then her autumn eyes note the coldness in Hestia. Hello sisters, the mare says, and yet the girl’s body twinges with mistrust. She says nothing at first, her lips pursed into a tight line, but her head begins to bob until the bitterness rolls over them like a relentless tide. ”Never,” she inches toward Hestia and her gaze is ablaze, her voice venom to their ears, ”speak of our sisters like that. Ever.” A growl vibrates in the chasms of her throat and it’s almost cat-like until she settles herself and looks to the side, to Naga, then to Lagertha as she arrives. ”Hello,” she replies to their former Queen before stepping to her side with minimal regard to the child (Nayl hasn’t yet had the desire for a foal to shadow her every move. The love for the kingdom always came before a family). Then her eyes blink and glance between the others.

    Their group is slowly expanding. The rustling of footsteps draws her attention to the younger Amazon, Celeana. A muttered greeting is exchanged, but it’s Naga that is steadily holding Nayl’s attention. She is the python gradually coiling them, holding them to her, but Nayl is oily in the way she squirms away from the authoritative place that Naga has adopted. ”We are with each other,” she corrects sternly, never being one to blindly follow, ”we are together in this, and I will never be a herded lamb.” The warmth of Lagertha’s body roves across Nayl and reminds her of what once was and how proud of a group they are. ”We will decide later who is fit for everyone to follow,” she doesn’t know Naga or Hestia just as they don’t know her. Time will give them the opportunity to divulge and learn more of each other, but in this moment, when Naga tries to plant the seed of her own leadership Nayl quickly tramples it in her mistrust.

    covet and myrina's creation

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: cat scratch fever (Ashara, Draconis, other Amazonians and any other mares) - by Nayl - 09-08-2016, 01:03 PM

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