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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    alive and burning brighter; reilly
    Ah yes, it has been too long since he's been in the company of a woman. And a lovely one, at that. Standing in front of her after looking her over, he feels her own eyes traveling over him like soft petals of some yellow and white flower. Warmth spreads where ever her eyes touch, leaving pleasant tingles along his skin in their wake. It's almost enough to chase away all the discomfort he feels. It makes him want to stand up straighter, show off a little, but the steady ache in his skull and the emptiness in his gut keeps him standing as he is- relaxed, and trying to keep his discomfort off his face. And probably failing, if she could read the tightened wrinkles on his pink nose.

    She speaks in response to his greeting and takes her own relaxed stance. He nods in understanding and agreement. If she had anything to lose as he apparently did, he could imagine just how 'well' he could indeed expect her to be. His aqua gaze falls from that twinkle in her bicolored eyes down to the somewhat crooked smile tugging the edges of her lips. He briefly wonders, unabashed, if they are as soft as they look, but before he can truly begin to imagine them grazing his skin, she is speaking again. He listens, and a somewhat mischievous grin finds his own mouth at her words. Slowly, his gaze traces back up to her eyes as he sends his reply. "Well, dearie, it may please ya to know that ye look better than ah feel. Certainly a welcome sight after tha day I've had." He pauses, lids drooping a bit as he ignores that annoying ache and throb in his head, refusing to let it overpower the more pleasant tingles and ache he begins to feel elsewhere.

    The yawning pit within him calls again, beckoning. Old habits do die hard, it seems. But he tries to oppress it, focusing on the sunshine and clouds mare before him. His limbs itch to move a little closer, and since he battles more than one urge, he loses this one. Stepping leisurely forward, his muzzle reaches toward the edge of her jawline, close to her neck, where he can breathe in her scent and softly blow warmth there. "I must say, a distraction would be most welcome." He keeps his voice low this time, his tones a bit more rough and smooth all at once. And slowly, he retracts his head from hers, blue-green eyes hooded and inviting. There is a light smile, almost lazily pasted on his lips. "If Beqanna hadn't taken it from me, I would have very much liked to show ya just how much a distraction I could have provided." There may have been a touch of bitterness in his voice then, but for all the good he feels, even without his gift. And even with the unwell that hadn't left since it'd been cleaved from him. Who would have thought that a female would have brought the cure? Or at least, a bit of a reprieve. A distraction could prove quite healthy for him, or perhaps them both. Curious, indeed.

    Messages In This Thread
    alive and burning brighter; reilly - by Quark - 10-02-2016, 09:59 PM
    RE: alive and burning brighter; reilly - by Quark - 10-14-2016, 12:56 PM
    RE: alive and burning brighter; reilly - by Reilly - 10-14-2016, 03:37 PM
    RE: alive and burning brighter; reilly - by Quark - 10-15-2016, 11:59 PM

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