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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    time to take time [Mythical Kingdoms/Amazons]

    Faith is the bird that feels the light

    when the dawn is still dark.

    It had been a long time since she had last visited the Field and she is not sure what has drawn her here today, but she has chosen to follow her instinct. She had left her son back in the Amazons for he was growing strong and becoming very much the independent young man that Malka had wished him to be.

    She pushes him to the back of her mind though for she would not be able to concentrate well with the young man in her thoughts. An easy smile sticks to her face as she treads through the snow. It was probably the last snow fall of the year and Malka enjoyed the white powder when she could. There wasn't much of it in the Amazons and Malka made a point to avoid the Tundra during its coldest times, but here she was today and even with the white fluff on the ground, a promising sunshine sparkled across her back keeping her warm enough that she did not feel the need to cover herself in feathers.

    She moves slowly towards the stream that she knew was in the Field, for it tended to be a gathering spot among those that came to the Field. She was not failed today by the stream either fore as she approached, she saw a roan mare standing alone sipping from the moving water. Malka dipped her head to the stream to drink as well and respectfully waited until the mare had finished and lifted her head from the water before moving towards her.

    "Greetings!" she says softly to the roan mare as she dropped her head in a gentle greeting, ears tipping forward to catch any words she may whisper. "I'm Malka, of the Amazons," she adds after a bit, her tail flicking softly across the top of her hocks as her amber eyes look over the mare that stood before her. She is quiet for a moment, giving the mare an opportunity to introduce herself if she wanted.

    "What brings you to the Field on such a chilly day?" she poses, front leg reaching out and playfully striking the snow that was under her feet. She pulls her leg back beneath her and lets her back leg cock slowly, coming to a resting pose. She had never feared the Field and prefer to simply talk to others than force feed them some bout on how amazing her kingdom was. And so, she falls silent waiting to see what tidbits that roan would offer up.


    immortal, quetzal-shifting Lekh, Kosi & Erinak of the 'Zons


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    RE: time to take time [Mythical Kingdoms/Amazons] - by Malka - 06-01-2015, 09:57 AM

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