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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  [M] Love me, hate me, but oh please hurt me; Dovev
    Do something.
    Punished. Yes, he does definitely deserve to be punished. And he craves it, revels in the feeling of giving control, wants to be buried in the pain. Ah, but he isn't totally submissive. He, himself, has a bit of control in this as well. Just as he burns and strains, so does the jet black boy. And that was his doing. Delicious and satisfying, to have such an affect on someone. Tripled by the mutual response. Completely unnatural, these feelings between the two males- and something entirely new to Zoryn- but wrong never felt so right. He'd never been a good little boy, never followed any one set of rules. So he should be punished. Needed it. And as the other groaned into his hip and bit him, Z leaned into it, amethyst-brown eyes boring into the other's face. Damn, but he needs more!

    There could have been no other in the world alive but them in this moment. Oblivious to all surroundings, nothing else mattered but Zoryn and Dovev. So when suddenly, there is a voice out to his right, he starts, though doesn't take his gaze from the black. Feminine and sultry, cutting into the space around them like lightning through humid air. Familiar. "Did I sleep so long? Did you get bored without me?" And then she was there, teeth raking his spine. A sudder, and his eyes drift closed. Then she bites his withers and they pop open, the stinging pain sinking deep into his core. Yum. More. Ah, but he would know that bite anywhere. "Dizzy." Voice husky and deep, he shifts his head to view her as she slides her length along his. How long it'd been since he'd felt her. Luscious curves to his firmness. Slightly shorter than he, and her coat a contrast. Just like Dov's, as she points out. Hmm, he hadn't noticed before. How delightful a coincidence as that. She samples the blood from the black one's bite at his neck and his breath catches in his throat at the sensation.

    Dovev growls low beside him, like some feral beast guarding his dinner. Zor smiles in return, slow and dark. Something inside him leaps at the noise, to be something worthy of possession. He is just about to turn back to him when his wicked sister steps around his ass, commenting on Dov's starry blue markings where her own were white. Something tics a nerve when she takes a bite out of the spot at the edge of his lips. Tender spot. But then she speaks again, and the slight bitterness fades away. "You have good taste, Zor." She says, and he hums in agreement. And the possibility of sharing, so many possibilities, had his need burning to fever-pitch.

    "Leave! He's mine." The cutting words jolt Z's gaze back to the dark eyes as he buries his nose into his tan-and-white flank, breaths heavy and hot against his skin. No, she wouldn't go, and Zor didn't want her to. He's only just gotten her back. So long, it's been. And so delicious, to be so close between his beloved sister and his newest fascination. One who clearly hasn't weighed the pros here. His lips curve upward in a crooked grin, stepping forward and around Dov's skinny rear. Black tail lashes out at his rump as he passes and comes up his right side, a teasing sting. He nips and darts his tongue over this shoulder, fresh and unmarred, and then grazes his muzzle up along his neck to just behind the right ebony ear. "Prove it."

    A bold and daring flash of his eyes as he continues to step forward, this time toward the obsidian fae. His gaze lingers on Dov a moment until his pinkish muzzle touches Dizzy's. A heartbeat passes as he peers into his sister's brown eyes. Familiar and warm. Hot. And then he steps forward and plants a heated kiss high on her neck, following through with a stinging nip. Punishment for having left him alone for so long. Ah, but was it really punishment? He rumbles quietly against her jet black pelt, and then turns his head over his shoulder to peer at Dovev behind him. Do something about it. His gaze is one to burn, flashing purple in a pit of brown. Daring. Wanting. Needing. Claim me right. Even if he was Dizzy's too. He could be both. He could be all. Yes, he wants it all. A tantalizing thought. Give me what I need.

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    RE: [M] Love me, hate me, but oh please hurt me; Dovev - by Zoryn - 01-07-2017, 03:01 AM

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