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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  In the land of Gods and Monsters.
    You could say destiny brought her to the field today.  I mean why today and not any other?  She had reason to stay within the borders of Sylva.  Her child, not more than a couple weeks old was reason enough to stay put.  She had amusement there also in male form so seeking another toy was not her purpose.  So destiny is must have been.  Pulling her from her homeland to seek... Well she wasn't sure exactly.  She crossed many lands, many obstacles.  She was accompanied by no one, not even the Raven that followed her from Pangea.  Her saving grace from the Krampus creatures.  No even he, she left back in Sylva with her winged child.  To watch over him.  Though she was sure Stillwater would keep his side of the bargain as she would hers.  Protecting her and her child as long as she stayed in Sylva for him...With him. He had his reasons to keep her as she did for him.  A partnership of sorts... Sticks and Stones, Love

    Travel this far by land took days.  It was not a trip she took lightly but she felt the need to do so.  Finally the forests of Sylva turned to Tagia.  Short swim across the river leading to the darkened Forest of Beqanna and eventually the trees gave way to the open Field.  A port of sorts for those seeking homes, adventure... companionship.  Endless opportunity presented itself here.  She herself learned what she needed to know of the new lands of Beqanna then set out to find purpose.  As she did today, setting out to find purpose.  Maybe to guide another to theirs...

    Breaking through the shadows she swiftly scanned the region.  Keen senses pointed her in the direction of a scent.  A familiar scent that faintly lingered.  Lips curled to a demonic grin as she knew the scent all to well.  But why was it here?  Surely it was stained on the coat of another.  Stillwater wasn't hers or anyone's really.  He kept company of many others and it didn't jar her the way it did some.  The sea salt brine was strong with this one as well.  She moved swiftly in the direction of which it sourced.  Bringing into view a duo of equines.  A black was one and a steele gray blotched the other.  Their scents labeled both female.  Her approach was bold and forward.  Crown held high with lobes thrusted forward in assertiveness but not threatening.  As she neared her smirk became more noticeable.  A flame sparked within her orbs then as she measured them.  The black had a depth about her.  Reminding her of herself in a way.  A history with as much heartache as she buried deep within.  The blotched mare on the other hand held her head with purpose, authority, demand.  A name was caught on the breeze, Nayl.  It was a familiar name she had heard in passing before.  She halted nearer to the black.  The breeze now to her back.  A polite head nodd to each of the mares but her grin grew evermore.  The scent that brought her here was from the blotched mare now before her.  She wasn't much for names and titles but this could be fun.  Looking to the black mare she announced her name and proposition,
    Karaugh from the forests of Sylva.  Appointed diplomat by Stillwater under the rule of Djinni... Pausing slightly for the words to sink in.  Watching for the expression Nayl would release.  Surely she would smell the thick scent of Stillwater upon her flesh.  She continued but looked to Nayl this time,
    It's good to meet you finally Nayl.  It's been overdue.  I've been meaning to make an official Kingdom visit but... Child and all my time has been.... consumed lately.  Her words had purpose and meaning but only few knew what exactly.  Attention then landed back upon the black mare. She interested her greatly.  Feeling as though they may be one in the same.  Formalities then business,
    I may have missed your name but I doubt I would have.  What is your name?  She waited for an answer as she studied the Queen of Nerine.  A slight demonic twinkle in her eye.
    illicit daughter of nymphetamine and killgore
    HTML by Call

    OOC: Oh my geez I'm sorry it's sooo long!
    Take a bite
    If you dare

    Messages In This Thread
    In the land of Gods and Monsters. - by Kataclysm - 01-18-2017, 03:30 PM
    RE: In the land of Gods and Monsters. - by Nayl - 01-22-2017, 04:45 PM
    RE: In the land of Gods and Monsters. - by Karaugh - 01-28-2017, 06:33 PM

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