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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    runnin' away to the riptide; Aranea & Any

    He watched the interaction between them quietly, his eyes flashing with pleasure as they spoke. For a moment, he took a step forward, just to bridge the gap between himself and Aranea, pressing his muzzle to her neck and blowing outward, her mane dancing around his exhale. It was the closest thing he could give her to a silent congratulations; he had known just how difficult it had been for her to recruit without a voice and how hard she had tried regardless. To know she was successful made him swell with pride.

    His attention though was stolen to Sloene and he let it linger there for a moment, studying her again before he spoke up. “I would be glad to.” He stepped away from Aranea and motioned around them, the land flourishing in the embrace of Spring. “Perhaps we can talk as I show you around? It is too pretty of a day to spend it sitting here.” She deserved to see Tephra in all of its glory; to soak in all of its beauty.

    Nodding toward what was the beginning of a beaten path, the ground giving way to the patterns of Tephra inhabitants, he began to walk. “Tephra began as the child of a post-Reckoning alliance between the Tundra, Chamber, Valley, and the Gates.” Unlikely bed members, but they all had one vision in mind and one hope: to create a family and a haven for those lost in the chaos. “We were one of the first graced with a land from Beqanna, and we have since turned it into a safe haven of sorts. Anyone is welcome here.”

    He was quiet for a moment as he turned his gold-flecked gaze back to them, making sure that they were keeping up with him as he walked. “The other members of the alliance have since stepped down from an official leadership role and live privately, but all are still here.” He turned them down a path, walking them closer to the base of the volcano. “Tephra runs as a mix of a herd and kingdom. We have a singular case for anyone who finds purpose in that; that caste is a blend of peacemakers and warriors. We didn’t want to regulate anyone to one or the other. Life is much more gray than that.”

    Another smile. “Besides the caste members, we have many residents who simply choose to call Tephra home, and we have a three-member Council who assist in making decisions. The caste includes our Head of War, Head of Peace, and one more who serves.” He paused as they reached a small clearing, the flowers growing thick here on the volcanic soil. Turning around to face them, he gave a quick smile.

    “I think that’s everything. Is there anything else you would like to know?”

    out of the blue out into the loneliest place that you'll ever know
    I carried the world just as far as I could but the damage had taken its toll

    [Image: gqYjsHr.png]

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    RE: runnin' away to the riptide; Aranea & Any - by magnus - 02-05-2017, 12:58 AM

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