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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    you think that we connect; raeg'n, any
    She was irritated. Pacing. Seething.

    She broke him somehow. Something changed and Magnus backed off, shut down. She must have done something wrong, she must have failed in some way. Disappointed him maybe. Didn’t he see she needed this? She needed more. It was cut too short, it was not enough. She needed more.

    She should find Lauchlan, she thought as she paced tracks into the earth. Her navy coat shimmered in the sunlight, her fiery hair battling for supremacy against its heat. Lauchlan would do it, he would push her further. He would finish the job, and then he’d be there when she needed him. He would watch over her, as he always did. She could always count on him, the one constant in her life since waking alone as a feeble child.

    A thunder in the clear day snatched her attention immediately. Burning amber eyes jerked to land on a black figure racing from unseen demons. Her heart leapt in her chest, sparking fear as she instantly thought of Lauchlan. But this stallion had no wings like Lauchlan, and in this distance she could only see the black of his coat, the coil and spring of muscles as he tore across the border with anxious purpose. Perhaps Dahmer? She didn't really know him, but she'd seen the dark stallion around at times, most usually with one woman or another. Simply an observation. But he'd never been upset, she wasn't sure he was capable of losing that syrupy smile of his.

    She slid into a smooth gallop, taking a shorter path across the land but keeping a wide breadth of space constantly between them. Her sharp gaze tracked his direction, watched him reach the coast and dive into a cave. Her pace held steady, her gut soured anxiously. She had no reason to worry over Dahmer, and she didn't think she was, but the taut strain of worry was there. Perhaps it was that he'd looked so much like Lauchlan, a wingless Lauchlan. A distraught Lauchlan. Something she never wanted to see, never wanted him to be.

    The blue of her coat stood out from the dark ocean-blue, almost vibrant in comparison. Bright amber eyes peered into the darkness as she rounded the entrance. Dahmer..? she called cautiously, her figure sliding into the blackness surrounding them. She didn't want to near him, a strange stallion with a habit of dazzling smiles. But when she breathed in his scent she gasped quietly.


    Her voice was a fierce whisper of shock as she dove to his side and immediately sank into him. There were no ebony wings to wrap around her, and the sharp tang of his distress could nearly be tasted in the air, coating the both of them in a chill. Her throat swelled at the strength of his emotion, as if he could transfer it to her, too.

    Lauchlan? she asked shakily. She swallowed and tried again, her voice hard and eyes fever-bright with fury. What happened? Who has done this to you? An angry tear fell on his cheek as she brushed against him, trying to soothe him. She had never been very affectionate, even with him, and she wasn't sure if she was helping or making things worse. She only knew she suddenly needed to feel his solid warmth against her, to reassure her that he was ok.

    Image © Wizards of the Coast LLC

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    RE: you think that we connect; raeg'n, any - by Raeg'n - 02-05-2017, 05:45 PM

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