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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    would you show me the meaning of love; nier
    Mmm, he loved that little sound she made, placing a sweet kiss to her lovely forehead. His blood warmed in response, pumped through him a little quicker. He loved the feel of that too, a familiar sensation, intoxicating and addicting. He craved it, sought out delectable companions when he needed it sated. She was proving to fulfill it, so far. She might be able to soothe his need, ease his aching desire.

    So innocent and unknowing, was she, so unaware of how he carefully pressed buttons she didn't know she had. Gently sliding more fuel into her little fire and stoking it with such delicate purpose. He was prepared to take her further, slowly, coaxing her in that natural way that slipped from consious thought to mindless need. He smiled against her sweet skin. She would be perfect, worth the attentive effort.

    "How could little beasties steal away my wings?" she asked, drawing her velveteen nose along his jaw and sighing into him. He didn't answer, gently let the topic fall away from the ebbing heat between them. He asked that all-important question as though it were a minor thing; would she like him to stay. She murmured her assent, "Oh, I think I'd like that very much." A thrill zipped through him at the barest hint of readiness in her voice. He could hear it subtly changing, becoming thicker, huskier with every melting touch. Good. Making progress, careful progress.

    He didn't mind going slow, and she would need it so slow if he were to entice her down this path.

    When he lightly touched his lips to her throat, she pulled a ragged breath and naturally tipped it up for him, giving him better access. He breathed against the tender flesh there, his breath coming hotter. "Ohh, very much indeed," she added in that sexy low voice, shifting to something more throaty with need. A need she didn't know she had, but she would. She would. He would teach it to her, carefully guide her to it and through it, and beyond to delirium.

    "How long do you think they'll keep them?" she asked softly, her eyelids drifting and growing heavier. Mmm, that was good too. He liked her eyes, but he could kiss them when they were closed. He could be sweet, sensual. For her, he would be. And he did kiss them then, a feather-light touch as she spoke again. "And what might we do while we wait?" An innocent question, with such a wickedly wonderful answer. Her lovely cheek brushed against him and he turned to smile into it, showing her the pleasure she couldn't see with her eyes.

    I'm not sure how long they keep someone's wings, he murmured absently, kissing the corner of her mouth and slowly working away from it. His wing remained wrapped over her, cradling her against his hard body as he showed her more, delightful new things she hadn't experienced yet in her young life.

    And, he whispered, pausing to trail warm lips down her cheek to her throat again, coaxing her chin to tip back for him as he gave a sharp little sting of teeth, then softened it with a lip of moist tongue. I thought maybe we could just... continue what we're doing now. His voice was breathy and low, innocently driven by his own desires. Maybe not entirely innocent. He kissed along her neck, crossing that graceful curve of muscle to tug gently but firmly at her mane. Would you like that? he asked again, already knowing the answer.

    Time to stir up a little fun, li'l dove.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: would you show me the meaning of love; nier - by Nier - 02-06-2017, 01:08 AM

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