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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    this is all of me for all the world to see; leliana
    Leliana, he murmured against her, adoration clear in his voice, holding her delicately. From reluctance, to rage, to passion, and back again. Hesitant. But not here in her arms. Solid and sure, here. It was the discussion they needed that he was reluctant for, desperately wanting to keep this moment something beautiful to remember. She said she knew, but he needed her to understand.

    Their breaths gradually slowed, drifted back to normal, though his heart still raced. He still wanted her. So badly. She melted into him, and yet felt distant, crestfallen. Had he upset her? His brows knit together and he pulled back slightly, sought out her eyes. Did she see this as rejection? He probably would have. It stung him that he'd ever make her feel that, the sharp stab of it so deeply. He immediately wanted to right that.

    Leliana, he said again, a soft plea. He couldn't stop touching her, pressing a kiss to her forehead, her brow, her hair. I want this. I want you. Just not like this. The hungry, the needing, the urgent devouring. He'd take it so eagerly, so gladly. And love every moment of it. But he wanted her to know things first. He couldn't bear to imagine her ever regretting him, regretting them. Couldn't stand thinking she might see herself as the other woman.

    But where to begin? How to say it all?

    My child is home. Resting, he said quietly, eyes tracing every delicate line of her face. Of course Atrani would come to mind first, would be the first thing on his lips, in his thoughts. She was everything. He shook his head, suddenly grieving the time he'd lost as she grew in Cerva's belly. Their child. Their love. His voice was fragile when he spoke again. I..didn't know I was having a baby. I couldn't remember anything, only darkness. Only pain.

    He shifted against her, wishing he didn't have to bear himself so openly for her. Wishing he didn't feel so vulnerable. But he would share this, he would let her choose to walk away. Damn, but he couldn't stop touching her. His lips trailed over her skin, breath huffing into her. He ached to taste her more, kiss her deeply and hear her sigh in pleasure at his touch again. He wanted her.

    That's when I found you. You were the only thing I knew. The only good in my life. He went back to that day often, replayed it over and over. And the time she came to his home, stayed with him through the night. She had been there in his mind as he trained further, became something lethal and dangerous. Had been there to soothe him in his dreams, when he slept. But it had gotten harder to without her there.

    He sighed, hated to bringing up the part where it all fell apart, knowing it would be the part that hurt her. Where his life and love returned. Zoryn- the name was dark and hard in his mouth -took me to her. To remember again. ...And I did. There was so much more to say, so much more to explain. But he fell quiet, painful emotions surfacing. Sadness, rejection, bitter anger. So much pain.

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    RE: this is all of me for all the world to see; leliana - by Dovev - 02-11-2017, 06:23 PM

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