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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    this is all of me for all the world to see; leliana
    Every brush of her skin stole his focus again. She was sorry he'd been through it all, sorry he'd lost his memory. He shook his head, dismissing her concerns. It was nothing compared to the loss. Cerva leaving him had broken him the most. She had been the constant presence at his side, the endless source of affection he craved. He'd poured his soul to her, given her everything. Lost his memory for her. Became this weapon for her. But she never came back. Dead or only gone. It didn't matter, she still left him and their baby.

    She kissed him, and his mind saw only her again. Her touch ignited him again, fueled the desire carefully tucked away. His eyes sharpened and heated, but watched as she pulled away with moisture in her eyes. Confusion flickered across his face, warping into anger as she mentioned Zoryn again. That he'd helped him. He wasn't sure tearing him from a perfect reality with Leliana had been helping, but he also had to be grateful he'd got his baby girl, got to see Cerva happy. Or pretend happy. Before she left them.

    I'm happy you have your family back. His ears pulled back and he jerked his eyes from her. Salt to the wound she didn't realize was there. Family. That's what Cerva had wanted, what he'd given her. How many times had he thought those words, repeated them. Family.

    The mother is gone, he said hard unable to speak her name, a finality in his voice that crushed him, that denied any questions about her. He hadn't meant to tell her that. Hadn't really wanted her to know, but he wouldn't have come to her had he still had Cerva. He was ruthless and cruel, but there was only room for one in his dark heart.

    He contained the hurt, pushed it down and away. Except it never went away, because even his Atrani would not be able to love him. And would leave him too. He couldn't stand thinking about it. He needed her more than anything.

    He sighed and reached for her, pulled her back into him. I can't stay Leliana. I need to be home with her. His actions called him a liar, brought her in further as though he could hold her all night just as before. His lips found her neck, kissing a trail from her shoulder to her throat, slow and tender. Like their first day, as he'd pressed her gently to the ground beneath him, stole wonderful affection and memories from her. Memories he still held so close.

    Damn, but he loved the taste of her. Her scent, her eyes. He loved when they went foggy in desire for him, her voice thicker too. He craved it. Mmm Leliana, he murmured into her skin, drew it out in longing. He wanted her. His kiss lingered at her throat, pressing the heat of his tongue to her and pinching lightly. He ached to stir her again, heat her blood for his touch and hear her gasp in pleasure. Did he really have to leave now? Just a moment longer couldn't hurt. He just needed a little more.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: this is all of me for all the world to see; leliana - by Dovev - 02-11-2017, 08:39 PM

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