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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    between the shadows and the soul - killdare, any

    We are at war. There will be scars.

    He's taken to guarding the borders nowadays when he's not frequenting the field. He wishes he could do more there, help recruit more, but he has had to more or less put recruiting aside until he grows into himself. Not that he minded it, he could never mind anything done for the Chamber. But rather it had proven counterproductive. The thought of a horse at his age recruiting was apparently off-putting to some of his would-be recruits. But at two years of age he can almost pass for being full grown. He is a handsome thing, no doubt, all black and well-muscled. With his father's guidance (and a healthy dose of his own training regimen) he's turning himself into a military man, and it shows.

    He is patrolling the forests when he hears a stranger's voice, and then his mother's. He is a friend of the pine forests now, walking amidst them with the ease and silence that only comes with long residence inside the kingdom. He is in no hurry to find them; he can easily hear that his mother's voice is calm, and so he is certain that there is no danger. He is moving toward them with intent to greet, nothing more.

    He finds them as Straia explains the Chamber is the only kingdom to regrow without the use of magic. It had been a point of pride, the way the pine trees had taken time to burst from the earth again. It was a symbol to all of them of who they were, how resilient they were, even though they didn't possess some of the advantages that the magicians and the others could claim. They were thoroughly normal, and that made them thoroughly extraordinary.

    He looks to the other stallion as his mother finishes speaking, and he's immediately relieved to see that this man clearly has the build and bearing of a warrior. This excites the boy; he's had few sparring partners apart from his father, and he desperately wants to enrich his practice. The prospect of someone new, potentially someone able to teach him things that other lands might know, is a very exciting one indeed.

    "Every kingdom experienced a disaster at nearly the exact same time." he continues, picking up right where Straia had left off. His voice is rich and pleasant, but there is a briskness to his voice. Not an unkindness, or an unpleasantness, just a clipped nature, as though he's careful to pronounce every word."Mother." he greets, his tone not unkind, but decidedly without the affection that might be expected from a son talking to his mother. He turns then to the stranger, offering a slight dip of his head in acknowledgment. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Erebor." His tones are clipped, efficient but not unfriendly. He stands straighter than is common, his bearing somehow a little bit more military – a little bit more efficient than the average. But then again, what about him isn’t efficient?


    Native Prince of the Chamber

    warship x straia


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    RE: between the shadows and the soul - killdare, any - by Erebor - 06-09-2015, 09:43 PM

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