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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    this brilliant light is brighter than we've known; stillwater
    Her fragile gaze slid away from him, always so sweetly uncertain. So innocent. But his confident Good brought her carefully back to him, and she repeated it in her soft, twinkling voice of sleepy starlight. Good. Yes, good. He almost smiled as he studied those pale, pink lips, a secret tightening in the corner of his mouth and a flicker of softening in his eyes. It was good to think he might care. Good to believe that he did.

    He stepped purposefully closer, the warmth of his body comfortably stealing her personal space as he tucked his chin and drew a kiss across her cheek. When he drifted lower, kissed her perfect throat so intimately, her pulse beat against his lips. Then it kicked and thundered under his expert attention, and her breathing stuttered. He held his breath, but didn't stop kissing her, quieting his own so he could listen so closely to the shaky magic in hers.

    She pushed herself closer into him, and the muscle beneath his tongue danced with her shift. His dark eyes immediately clouded with his hunger and he paused, parted lips stilled against her artery. An artery full of sweet oxygen that made saliva pool in his mouth in eager anticipation. All he had to do was bite down. That buttery-smooth drink could be his. God, and Luster's would be the best. So damn innocent and pure and caring, so damn hot. His heartbeat was slow, but so strong as each beat pounded in his chest. A methodical drum urging him on. He should just take it, she wanted him to. She didn't know it, but she wanted it.

    Stillwater, she whispered, a soft sound that was so much more certain than she usually was. The monster's sharp eyes lifted to hers, realizing too late that she was seeing them so focused and trained on her, so different than they should be, but suddenly unable to care. And hungry, so damn hungry with claws raking his belly from the inside and a cavernous echo in his gut. But that voice was not laced with fear. Instead, soaked in the wonderful taste of trust, complete trust. It was misplaced; he knew this, she didn't. But it spurred him further, returning to his kissing and tasting with a blazing fire in his mouth, on his tongue, coaxing his touch into a new, steady urgency.

    She can trust him, she can trust him. He didn't say it though, couldn't make that promise and tie himself to it. Could never bind himself to such a grave and powerful vow. Nayl had once attempted to ask him for it, and he danced his way out. No, he wouldn't vow his allegiance to her, never that, but yes she could trust that he didn't want her stupid crown and didn't care to have anyone else wear it either. So careful with his words, so relieved they didn't know he had to be. So fortunate, safe, for just a little longer. You can trust me, he would never say.

    He could not be trusted.

    She whimpered beneath his fiery attention and pulled a rattling groan from deep in this throat, unnatural and dangerous. She would taste so damn good. So close now. He only wished he had his jaws, the needle-sharp teeth to pierce her skin without any suffering. To latch onto her like an eager lover, pin her to him in an iron grip, pull on the stream of his craving and make her neck tingle in the pleasure of it, the newness and the so very subtle trickle of pain. Just enough to spark her adrenaline. Just enough to spike her pulse again for him and send her into a sweet oblivion of sensation. But these stupid, flat and useless teeth would hurt if he tried now.

    And he didn't want to hurt her.

    Stillwater, she said again, thick and husky and wildly needing. It pulled him in closer and he pressed further against her, his kisses exploring anywhere he could reach, hungry and eager and almost biting. Rough and heavy and just as needing as the sound of his name on her sweet tongue. Stillwater, she said again. And again, and again. Oh, god and he was aching and rigid and that goddamned headache was stealing into him. His breath snagged, and he kept his lids shut over eyes that had pooled dark and blue and deep again.

    His heart stuttered, jolted and raced, and his hot kisses lightly tugged at her as they pressed so firmly into her skin, so gradually shifting backwards as she naturally drifted in to fill the space. His tongue, his lips, the faint pinch of his teeth, coaxed her into him as he kept them so gradually moving. So very slowly retreating into the water as they both focused so intently on the growing passion between them. Stillwater, she said one last time, and he stopped at the quiet request in it, the lake licking at their shins as she settled against his chest.

    Their racing pulses thundered against each other, trying to catch their breath. When her mouth found his shoulder, his head ducked down to her spine with a keening moan against the soft blue and pale lace of her skin, drinking in the feel of her kisses, her tongue, her teeth on the fine, flattened coat of horse still blanketing him. Oh my god, Luster, he breathed, and slowly she reined in and quieted, the beat of their wild hearts thumping between them. They stayed that way for what felt like too long, his mind racing to make sense of this that felt so normal and right and yet so new and strange and confusing.

    The heavy silence between them was finally broken by her whisper, her beautiful blue and white face buried into his dark neck. I'm yours. A promise so sincere from her perfect heart, so honest and sure in a fragile way, delicate and meaningful. A promise he could never repeat, never return in words that would reassure her and steady her whether he wished to or not. He instead had to try to show her with his actions, and stepped further into her again, his hard chest and heart firmly against hers. He brushed his lips along the base of her soft hair with a quiet sigh, content even with his pulse still soaring.

    But it wasn't enough, and he tested that trust he heard in her voice before.

    The impossible black of his skin smoothed to the rich satin akin to an orca, and before she could notice, he attached her to him and suddenly threw them backwards into deeper water. He released her as he immediately sank below the surface, but didn't give her time to recover more than a gasp of air as he tugged her down to him beneath the water's cool embrace. She didn't get time to recover from this either before his mouth met hers in a deep kiss, slow and sweet and needing. Loving. Rich, dark hair, both his and hers, billowed around them, weightless and perfect and waving with the slightest movements between them. This was as much as the real him as he could show her, here in this haven beneath the water.

    And more than ever, he wished he could fully change and take her lower and lower into this dark and dangerous place he belonged.
    come down to the black sea swimming with me
    go down with me, fall with me, lets make it worth it

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: this brilliant light is brighter than we've known; stillwater - by Stillwater - 03-04-2017, 08:02 PM

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