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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    we push and pull like a magnet do [MALIS]
    your love was handmade for somebody like me
    c'mon now follow my lead, c'mon now follow my lead
    He was everything wasn't he?

    Well, he seemed to take a lot with him when he left. Little pieces from people, from places. It all added up and the hollows he left behind were innumerable. Mortal, though not terribly close and equally not distant either, felt those holes just as everyone else. Maybe more so because he was born of that fire, the very same that sent his father to the better place. And Mortal, though he felt assured he knew a great many things, didn't know what that even was.

    The better place. Was there really such a thing, was it so terrible here?

    He shook his head, trying to rid himself of the pictures that loomed in his mind’s eye. Fire, the ocean, sunrise. It was almost unbearable to watch and yet he had done so from a distance. If he did not touch the great stallions unmoving body would that make it real? Would his Father have stayed if the indigo mare had not fallen to pieces, draping herself like a veil against his earthy bones?

    No, he was long gone before he took his last breath. Mortal had seen it coming, they all had and yet no one would utter those words. Had they feared solidifying that very concrete fact?

    Mortal had.

    It is the very same unwanted truths he kept about how he watched her too often now. Bruised against the horizon, the woman who had taken his mother's place or at least had caused a need for sharing that Dacia would not accept. Could not. She looked as broken as the world felt now and though he wanted to make it better, to tell her they would be okay a small shred of bitterness rested in his chest.

    She looked the same as he remembered, fine lines of dark blue with a wild stare that looked even more feral these days. Around the middle she was wide but he found it insanely alluring, and snorted at himself. Why should he be thinking that at all? And still, the thought was there. Did she ever change, he couldn't remember her different from this, maybe the eyes shared the age. But he had never been that close, not then, not now.

    He however had grown, becoming more of a man in some ways and still was soft as a boy in others. His shocks of vibrant green hair twisted in kinks about his head, his eyes though never so soft, held a familiar quality if one looked too close. He had grown into the same muscular build, with feathers trailing up his legs and shining wings glinting from the light against his back.

    “So,” he said, finding her alone and not daring inch too close to the sharp tools on her snout. “He left you too,” it was accusatory and certain all the same. There were a lot of similarities to this meeting though Mortal would not recognize them. A broken woman in a forest, heavy with child, her eyes haunting and hurting. A feathered stallion, with tangled hair and outstretched wings, pushing too close to the downfallen.
    killdare x dacia
    html by call

    please excuse my margarita words <3

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    we push and pull like a magnet do [MALIS] - by Mortal - 03-16-2017, 09:13 PM

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