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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the day is gone, the world spins madly on [march babies]


    The group grows, to Longclaws surprise, with the addition of his elder twin sister and another refreshingly normal-looking colt named Ivar. With grave interest he listens to Knight speak about the butterfly (catch one, whatever for?) but turns his head to solemnly bump noses with his sibling. He hadn’t even realized that Rapture might have wanted to join along in the adventure - nor can he fathom how she managed to remain on the heels of their dad during the trip. But she’s here, and Longclaw is actually all the more excited for it. Sharing a womb with her had not nearly been enough time together and in situations where he falls short, Rapture is always eager to tread first and encourage him along.

    He appreciates that her gentle nature puts him immediately at ease before turning back to the slimming group. The golden filly has slipped away while he was distracted and he watches her go curiously, ears swiveling and nostrils flaring to huff the smell of her as she disappears. He understands - crowds are unusual for him too. “We can’t possibly give it kisses.” Longclaw declares with a brunt shake of his dark blue head. “Our mouths are too large! We might hurt it.” He tells them, hopping about to block the drifting pattern of flight that the wary butterfly has attempted to make to escape the curious onlookers.

    “My name is Longclaw and that’s my sister,” He names the cotton-and-bluebell filly proudly, turning his bright eyes to where she admires the small creature, “and I think we should circle it to see who it lands on!” The greenish boy proposes, proud of his idea though he’s forgotten that butterflies can certainly ascend vertically too. “Help me Rapture!” He squeals in youthful delight, glimmering hooves nearly dancing on the air in excitement while his tail bats restlessly at his shiny hips. “You can help too Knight, and you, Ivar!”

    He never wanted to leave this place. Never wanted to return to sea with its smelly, stinky water and grainy sand. He and Rapture could stay here, certainly, and mother and father could join later. They’d enjoy the butterflies … perhaps Wyrm would even transform into one for them, and they could be friends forever.

    Nevermind that he’d completely forgotten why he’d been dropped here in the first place.

    One-Half contract between Wyrm and Heartfire

    [Image: sScEgld.png]

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    RE: the day is gone, the world spins madly on [march babies] - by Longclaw - 03-26-2017, 09:40 PM

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