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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Someone help me burn out bright [no tephra]

    » Innocence is always unsuspicious «

    I can’t say I waited long in the field before someone approached. I’m rather glad for it for I think I might have fled if someone didn’t join me quickly. I looked over at the sound of his approach, light but sure footed. The first thing I noticed were his bright red eyes, I mean how could I not notice something like that. I had not seen eyes like that since I last saw Chem all those years ago. His bright teal eyes still visited me in my dreams sometimes. It was rare these days time tried its best to erase him from my memory, the fine features blurred until only the general characteristics were left. His towering height over my smaller frame, his usually shaggy forelock and black and white coat were about all that was left of my mental image. But those piercing teal eyes I could never forget, nor the feelings I had held for him and the hollowness since they shattered around me. I hadn’t seen a unique set of eyes since Chem’s last words to her after their son was born. Sure I had seen shades of brown, blue and grey… but red was new, red was different.

    His black, no deep brown, coat was speckled with silver dapples and he was classically handsome in some ways, but in many others, he was far from classical. I watched him silently at first, sizing him up and feeling out how this interaction would go. I did this while nodding my acknowledgment of him with a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth. I knew I was dainty, I am not built of muscle and brawn. I am lean, slender, made from the blood of those that roamed the desert. His voice coos to me, silky and warm, with what I take as an undertone of edge. If I were really honest with myself I can’t help but want to melt into it. Maybe I would always have a thing for bad boys, but that didn’t mean I could just make a decision based on how swoon-worthy some stallion was. I couldn’t do that again-- Chem had hurt me too badly… but I had to admit, there was something about a possible bad boy. I lock back to his eyes from their little dance over his body as he purred his little nickname. Chem. I shook the thought from my mind, he didn’t get to haunt my new beginning, I didn’t get to intrude my thoughts any longer and I needed to focus, a nickname is just that… it wasn’t something to freak out about. I listened to him share his name and where he was from. I can’t say I knew a lot about any of the new lands, but I knew Pangaea was rather….devoid. I was about to answer his question when the sound of others approaching stopped me. I turned to see the small frame of a colt and his mother. I smiled as the colt tried to melt into his mother’s side. It reminded me of my Godric when he was young. I smiled at the smokey black mare and dipped my head as she introduced herself and her son, as well as where she hailed from. I smile at her colloquial jab at the fellow interested party. I knew enough of recruiting to know it wasn’t uncommon to jest with those you competed against. I smile at her quick witted remark and glance back at the stallion to see his reaction. ”I am Vessel. It’s nice to meet you all. What are your lands like? Beyond scenery, and better scenery.” I nodded to each horse respectively, but yet another approached and distracted me from continuing the conversation.

    His cream coat was accented with wings that were folded by his sides, and he easily added himself into the conversation describing his lands and structure. His description was interesting, and she could see the appeal of such a structure. ”Vessel. I said with a nod. ”New lands? How established are the Hills? I’ve had to start over many times, I don’t know if could stand it if I had to do this all over for a 3rd time.” My eyes searched for any sign of deception. This was too important, too much of a pinnacle moment to rest on my laurels.


    Kimber x Nymphetamine

    ooc: sory for the wait guys!

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Someone help me burn out bright [no tephra] - by Canaan - 04-02-2017, 04:15 PM
    RE: Someone help me burn out bright [no tephra] - by Vessel - 04-07-2017, 03:29 PM

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