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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the shadows are calling us out; any [M]
    She could nearly feel his blackened stench fill the air, and though she had half-expected him to show, her gut soured and roiled in anxiety. She was fearless, sometimes foolishly so, but he was all-powerful. Her magic could heal her, instantaneous and involuntary, invincible, and yet she was nearly helpless when it came to Deimos. Because he fought her in ways she hadn’t been trained for. He didn’t deliver blows, or snap his jaws at her flesh. He didn’t break bones or threaten to hurt her at all. Not since that first day when he learned of her magic, had tasted it for himself.
    He attacked through her mind instead.
    You called? he purred into her thoughts, a voice so smooth and at war with his physical presence, formidable and dangerous. You know, Raeg’n, You are so fucking hot when you’re angry he continued, sidling casually up to her side and brushing his hip along hers. She locked in place and glared straight ahead, her heart racing with adrenaline and the urge to dodge and fight back. She dearly wished to step away from him, but she forced herself to hold her ground.
    His eyes claimed every inch of her and she would swear she could feel it crawling over her like a million eager spiders. ”’Fraid I can’t take credit for this one, sexpot,” he began, aloud this time. Her teeth clamped tighter as if she could crush that disgusting endearment and spit it back in his face. She held her silence instead, her mind already racing to analyze what that meant. If it were true, then he hadn’t taken the boy from her. He may not even know where he was. She had to keep looking.
    She needed to get away from him so she could find Kilter, her Ruan.
    ”Their little joke on your dearly departed daddy…”
    I don’t have a father, she snapped instantly, only to quiet again in annoyance that he’d gotten a rise out of her. She’d already told him this, and no matter how he insisted otherwise, she would not believe it. She only had a mother, an angel who she concluded had returned to a heaven she herself was not allowed to enter until her task in life was complete. Then she would finally see her mother again. She didn’t have a father, and if she had, he certainly wasn’t the devil as Deimos had claimed.
    ”The wolfpup will probably survive, but the others… I would not count on it.”
    Wolfpup. Why does he call him that? She had never learned the answer. But she didn’t have long to consider it as the rest of what he said sank in. Rocinante. Her heart clenched painfully and her eyes dimmed. The fierce guardian had joined her in protecting the boy, vowing his life to the very same cause just as she had even before he knew what they were up against. Now his death would forever rest on her young shoulders. She swallowed a sudden lump in her throat.
    If you don’t have him, then where is he. Her voice was still hard, but confidently firm as she finally turned the gold of her piercing stare to the molten red of his. He was all-powerful, after all. He should know the answer. She only needed to get to him first and keep him safe from this monster.

    Image © Wizards of the Coast LLC

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    RE: the shadows are calling us out; any [M] - by Raeg'n - 05-31-2017, 04:34 PM

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