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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones [Offy]


    Nymph had left the meeting to wander the sulfuric lands in reflection of the meetings events. Lu had stepped down, leaving Offspring uncontested for “the crown.” In doing so he had asked the Bay to lead the diplomats. An unexpected gesture, one that Nymph was glad to accept. The dark stallion had always been someone he respected, he seemed fair and just, he had taken Vaughan and help him find his true potential, and in every one of their diplomatic dealing the elder stallion was balanced but calculated. He further Tundras interests but also grew the alliance in all his choices. He wasn’t afraid to switch things up.  Nymphetamine had always admired him, and he was honored to serve him now. The blood bay stallion had struggled in the past, to feel like he had a purpose he could be proud of, but he felt the familiar drive and mental acuity that came with pride in one’s work returning to his thoughts once more.   His walk had given him time to think on how best to help Tephra, as well as give the new ruler some time to address all the congratulatory conversations and questions that he was surely bombarded in.
    The late summer air was hot against his skin and the sulfur seemed to be particularly heavy. Surely there was a reason for it, but he knew not.  The trees were sparse in the particular section of Tephra where the once necromancer walked, so the grasses were yellowed from the sun beating down on them all summer long and crunched slightly beneath his hooves. He looked around for any sense of where his new king...ruler...leader, whatever the black stallion wanted to be called, was holed up.  Nymph thought he caught the other stallion’s scent so he went off deeper into to the wooded lands of Tephra. After several minutes of poking around, it was obvious Offspring was somewhere around. The russet stallion stopped and called for the leader, flicking his black forelock out of his eyes in the process. His voice was calm, sure to make clear this was not an urgent matter. It rang through the thinning canopy of the trees above, a request for the black stallion’s presence.
    In many ways, Nymphetamine was the opposite of Offspring. Where nymph was thin boned, lankier in stature; Offspring was more draft like, with thicker bones and muscular legs. Nymphetamine had a sarcastic and humorous exterior, while Offspring seemed to be much more stoic.  Yet somehow, they had always found common ground when they met, he hoped that this pairing would be just productive, as Tephra had a lot of ground to cover.  The newly appointed diplomat stayed alerted for Offspring’s approach, ready to get down to business.

    Like a thorn to the Holy Ones

    [Image: nymphetamine_zpsmlx48otf.gif]

    Messages In This Thread
    Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones [Offy] - by Nymphetamine - 06-08-2017, 11:04 PM
    RE: Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones [Offy] - by Offspring - 06-13-2017, 01:28 AM
    RE: Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones [Offy] - by Offspring - 06-25-2017, 10:04 AM

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