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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    as if a glass could contain the sea; sirana
    The innocence that surrounds them as they frolic beneath the merciless heat of midday brings him the sense of peace he has been looking for. His lonely nights spent in the dark cave along the border of Tephra’s dazzling sea, hidden behind burning, volcanic rock, seem so distant and so long ago in his mind – blurry and out of focus, like waking up from a nightmare, frightened at first and then comforted in realizing it was only a dream. The last few months have challenged him, that is for sure, but the bay stallion refuses to let his issues with crippling doubt (among other things) influence new relationships with others.

    Warrick lets out a short whinny of surprise as she begins to shake, the droplets of water darkening his already drying coat. He laughs, looking down at his water-strewn body incredulously.

    “You do have a point,” he replies with a deep chuckle that rumbles happily in the deep of his chest. When the bay stallion looks back up at her, the dark auburn of her forelock pushed carefully to the side to reveal her bright and curious eyes, he notices that she is peering off in the distance thoughtfully. For a moment he decides that he will get her back by dropping his muzzle and flicking the water at her, but quickly he then decides to wait – perhaps his chance will come later. The thought brings a lopsided smirk to the dark blue of his lips. He then follows her gaze that was looking out behind him, turning his head over his shoulder to follow its path. She was looking at the volcano (still unnamed, which brings the slight curve of a frown to his lips – the idea of a nameless volcano disappoints him), ash and smoke billowing from its top, a monument set ablaze by freely flowing turrets of lava and fire. He’s never really noticed it, for he had grown accustomed to it, but the smell of sulfur and smoke hang lazily in the air as the winds change, carrying a sea breeze off of the ocean against their faces.

    Sirana’s voice brings him back to the moment. He turns his head quickly, his still-wet mane and forelock dripping with the stream’s water. Warrick uses his head to gesture in the direction of the volcano as another smile begins to curl at his indigo lips. “No requirements here,” he replies kindly, a hint of a laugh on his rumbling voice, turning around and walking through the shallow water towards the muddy shoreline. “Offspring is around, he always is. I wouldn’t be surprised if he found us soon, especially if we keep moving.”

    Now Warrick was on the bank of the stream, the wet and compacted dirt solid beneath his dark hooves. Water still runs off him and he is thankful for the coolness their swim brought him – they would need it as they travel again towards the volcano and the distant sea. He shakes quickly, the excess water dripping from the blackness of his mane and tail scattering around him like diamonds as their surface catches the sun’s brilliant rays. The stallion takes a step forward, diving in nose first to grab some of the bright green grass before them that sways lazily in the sultry and tepid breeze. The grass was moist and delicious, satisfying his rumbling belly that he did not realize was rumbling, as he waits for Sirana to join them before they move deeper into Tephra’s tropical landscape.
    like the sun,
    swallowed up by the earth

    @[Offspring] if you want to find us and meet Sirana, that'd be cool. if not, that's okay too. just wanted to give you the opportunity <3 -kissy face-

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: as if a glass could contain the sea; sirana - by Warrick - 06-12-2017, 07:57 AM
    RE: as if a glass could contain the sea; sirana - by Offspring - 06-16-2017, 01:03 AM

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